Per Capita Davis: Biking around town
John Mott-Smith is a member of the Cool Davis Initiative core group. This article is cross-posted from the Davis Enterprise I really appreciate readers sending ideas for columns. Other ideas come from meetings, talks, conversations on the street and out of thin air. Although it…
How cool are we?
The CoolCalifornia Challenge began today on April 2 2012. In the next few months, we’ll find out just how cool we really are in Davis, one household at a time. “It’s a fun competition,” says Chris Granger, one of the key Cool Davis organizers. “Every…
From Durban to Davis video of workshop
Video provided by Davis Media Access of Cool Davis workshop, “From Durban to Davis: Local Action Key to Tackling Climate Crisis” featuring speakers Nick Buxton, Transnational Institute; Chris Jones, Cool California; Chris Granger, Cool Davis. Recorded March 1, 2012 at the International House, Davis, CA
Cool California Challenge Kickoff: March 28
Join other Community Leaders and Volunteers as we begin our effort to become “California’s Coolest City” Wednesday, March 28th: 4:30 – 6:00 pm in Davis Community Church, Fireside Room (C & 4th across from Farmer’s Market) 430pm: Gather informally to: Get the inside scoop about…
Per Capita Davis: How much energy does your TV use?
This post by John Mott-Smith, a member of the Cool Davis Initiative is cross-posted from the Davis Enterprise where this originally appeared. A statistic can be revealing — conveying in a number what it may take paragraphs to describe in words. Of course, statistics…
How one Davis school cut its trash by two-thirds
Ximena Jackson, Davis RISE Coordinator tells the inspiring story of how Cesar Chavez Elementary School reduced its waste from 320 gallons per week to around 100 gallons a week in the space of a few months.
Communications intern wanted!
Are you a good writer and passionate about taking action to stop climate change? Do you want to gain experience of working with professional communicators based in Davis? Can you spare a few hours every week? Cool Davis Initiative is looking for an intern who…
Mailes’ journey to health and sustainability
Fifth year UC Davis Senior, Jeff Mailes’ experience with cancer at a young age led him to explore producing organic good food and to promoting sustainability to his fellow students.
Impolite conversation about climate change
This regular column by John Mott-Smith, a member of the Cool Davis Initiative Core Group, is cross-posted from Davis Enterprise The conversation over climate change in the public square has always been a bit strange, but it’s getting downright weird. Climate scientists and ordinary persons…
Climate refugees film: March 14
The UC Davis Blum Center for Developing Economies in collaboration with Cool Davis and other co-sponsors is hosting an evening screening of “Climate Refugees, ” a documentary about the “human face of climate change”. It will take place on March 14, 6:30pm at the UC…
YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip film!
50 States. 1 Year. Zero Garbage? The YERT or Your Environmental Road Trip film documents an extraordinary journey. Come share the adventures, the innovations and the laughs! Cool Davis invites the public to a YERT showing at the Veterans Memorial Theater on Tuesday, March 20…
March 1: From Durban to Davis public talk
Durban to Davis: Local Action Key to Tackling Climate Crisis Cool Davis together with International House and Cool California is organising a panel discussion on climate change on Thursday March 1 2012, from 7-9pm at I-House Davis. The event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is appreciated.
Feb 28: Amory Lovins to talk on how to eliminate US oil and coal use by 2050
Renowned physicist Amory Lovins will be speaking at UC Davis at 12pm on February 28 on the themes of his new book “Reinventing Fire” which outlines a detailed roadmap for eliminating coal and oil use by 2050. Don’t miss this chance to hear this scientist…
Per Capita Davis: Statistics show we’re using sun’s energy
This column by John Mott-Smith, a member of Cool Davis Initiative, is regularly published in the Davis Enterprise and is cross-posted here. How are we doing? Environment California recently released a report on the state of photovoltaic solar energy systems in California cities. The report…
Davis aims to be the coolest city in California
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, which is the coolest city in all of fair California? As of Wednesday, Davis is in the running for the title of Coolest California City when it became one of the first six cities to apply for the Cool California…
Energy saving advice
Do you want to reduce energy and save money? Want to know what incentives and rebates exist to help you make the shift? The Yolo County Library in partnership with Yolo Energy Watch, Pacific Gas & Electric Company and Energy Upgrade California will be hosting…
Monticello Seasonal Cuisine
Monticello restaurant, a business partner of Cool Davis Initiative, found out that investing in sustainability saved huge amounts on their PG&E bill and cemented strong relationships with the Davis and Yolo county community.
Tinker, tailor, eco hero
Larry Fisher, a modern day tinker who works out of the limelight to convert trash into useful goods that he then shares with local community organisations, explains why reusing is even better than recycling.
Taking back power to tackle climate change
By Nick Buxton, published in Davis Enterprise “You’ve been negotiating all my life,” a Maine student shouted out to a room packed full of climate experts and experienced diplomats at the United Nations climate conference earlier this month. “In that time, you’ve failed to meet…
Per capita Davis: year in review
John Mott-Smith, member of Cool Davis and columnist for Davis Enterprise reviews whether, overall, the year was one of progress or retreat on tackling climate change, whether we are closer to avoiding or experiencing the consequences of our actions or inactions. The question is complicated…
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Its #Giving Tuesday! We stand with you everyday to make change and take action! Donate today to help us meet our goal of $50,000 by December 31st.
Contribute to our special initiatives for 2025. More on that here – Make sure you are signed up and received our latest newsletter too!
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Don't freak out, there's still time! Please give to help us meet our goal by midnight! #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #nightowls
Thank you for helping us fly free with your evening donations (not easy in the dark ;) #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024
Yolo we are so close to our Big Day of Giving goal! Thank you for being on the move and helping us make a much needed $40,000 by midnight tonight! #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024 @yolocommunityfdn
There's no masking your generosity! Reveal your true colors and support us today for Big Day of Giving! #yoloca! #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #mayisbikemonth
We see you midday blue jays (planting those #generosity acorns in our yard)! There's still time to help us grow a beautiful garden together. #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #mayisbikemonth