Cool California Challenge Extended through May 31st! Davis still in the lead!

Nearly 375 Davis households have been participating in a statewide Cool California Challenge competition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Davis has been firmly in the lead when the competition began in April of 2012, however, Chula Vista and Tracy are not far behind. The winning city will be awarded the title of “Coolest California City” in June.

Last month organizers extended the competition through May 31st so there’s still time to sign up and boost the Davis lead! Now participants can invite their friends and neighbors to join a team and compete together plus take a short survey to help organizers better understand what motivates individuals to reduce their carbon footprint. Existing participants are encouraged to continue reporting energy use and odometer readings, upload energy bills, and record other “kudo’s” to earn gobs of points. Participants can still record final results when they receive their utility bills in June.

If you’d like help updating your Cool California account or signing up for the first time, come to the Cool Davis booth this week at the Farmer’s Market Wednesday between 5 and 7pm.

Prizes will be available for participants who have completed the Cool California Challenge survey. Show us your Cool California profile page with your “Official Contributor” notice in the survey box via Cool Davis laptops available at the booth, then choose from a Cool Davis t-shirt, LED light bulb, clothesline, or other cool prize.

All participants will be entered into a final drawing at the end of the competition for some special prizes.

Go to to sign up.  Contact for more information.