
Cool Davis Foundation

The Cool Davis Foundation, is a  fundraising non-profit organization that supports initiatives related to the Cool Davis Initiative, environmental stewardship, and eco-justice. Until September 2011, it hosted together with the City of Davis most information on the Initiative. Its website is still live and can be visited…

Unitarian Church Green Sanctuary

The Unitarian Church in Davis has put its faith into practice on sustainability for many years – and is an active member of the Cool Davis initiative. In 2005, the UUCD embarked on the important and daunting task of becoming a Green Sanctuary: a church whose members truly live with “respect for the interdependent web of which we are a part.”

My vision for Davis

Judy Moores of the Cool Davis Initiative shared her vision of what Davis could look like in future decades if we follow a path of ecological and social sustainability. What is your vision? Add your comments below or email web@cooldavis.org Vision Statement:  Davis is a…

Cool Davis July Newsletter

July’s newsletter includes features on: Water,Energy & Greenhouse gases Call for Projects for Service Day, October 15th Recommended Website http://cal-adapt.org Conservation Biology seminars CDI welcomes new partners Freedom from high energy bills Cool Davis Festival information CA Clean Car program >Download Cool Davis July Newsletter