Introducing the Davis Climate Advocacy Alliance
Existing climate advocacy groups (, , Citizens Climate Lobby and others ) as well as interested individuals are invited to the next meeting of the newly formed Davis Climate Advocacy Alliance. Members will meet together on a regular or occasional basis to share what each is doing, coordinate climate actions and amplify our effectiveness through improved communications and cooperation.
UC students ask the Regents to divest from fossil fuel investments
40 UC students dramatize their plea for fossil fuel divestment at the Regents meeting.
Bidder 70: Tim DeChristopher’s Story
“I thought I was sacrificing my freedom, but instead I was grabbing onto my freedom for the first time and refusing to let go of it.” Tim DeChristopher “Bidder 70,” a documentary on Tim DeChristopher’s story, will be shown at the Unitarian Universalist Church of…
Meeting the CA Low Carbon Fuel Standard
The state is exceeding its 2011 fuel standard so far. California adopted a policy that requires the transportation fuel mix to reduce the carbon intensity from 0.25 in 2011 to 10 percent by 2020, and it has already reached 6 percent in 2012. So far,…
Celebrate Earth Day, John Muir’s Birthday, and the 2013 Cool Davis Awards
Cool Davis celebrated John Muir’s Birthday and Earth Day with a slideshow talk by Kim Stanley Robinson. While eleven young folk enjoyed a Nature’s Theater adventure with Jeff Falyn and Lyndsay Dawkins outside, 180 adults gave their full attention to Robinson’s thoughtful and provocative observations…
Festival announced for October 12 2013
Save the Date! Cool Davis Festival, our annual landmark event has been confirmed for Saturday, October 12th. It will be held again in Central Park 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you would like more information, to volunteer, or to help with planning– email us…
Paint Bike Fun
Paint Bike Fun is painting a community bike mural in downtown Davis this summer in partnership with the Davis Art Center’s Discovery Art Program. Paint Bike Fun encourages public art that promotes cycling, builds community, and makes people smile. They have a beautiful design that…
Per capita Davis: Breaking the Record
This adapted column by John Mott-Smith, a member of Cool Davis, is cross-posted from the Davis Enterprise. We humans love data. We keep track of all kinds of stuff. How much rain did we get, is it more or less than “normal?” When was the…
Earth lovers, be part of the solution
I read a text on a friend’s smart phone recently that said: “Save the earth; it’s the only planet with chocolate!” As we approach Earth Day on April 22, it’s good to reflect on the value of something we often take for granted: the earth…
Judy Corbett: Climate solutions awardee
“It feels better to do something than nothing.”
That’s how local environmental hero Judy Corbett describes what has motivated her life’s work. It’s an understatement, coming from a woman whom Time Magazine has named a Hero for the Planet.
Davis Bike Collective: 2013 Climate Solution Award
The Davis Bike Collective models how an organization can work with people from different parts of the community work together to teach others to repair their bikes and even customize their bikes for personal needs. With their sliding scale, the collective’s workshop, Bike Forth, is affordable to all.
Diane Swann: 2013 Eco Hero
Diane Swann, one of the Cool Davis 2013 Eco-heroes, sets an example through her quiet pursuit of a better environment. Like many people in Davis, Diane works out of town and knows that a large percentage of her carbon footprint comes from her commute.
Robyn Waxman, 2013 Eco-Hero Award
Robyn Waxman is, without a doubt, the nicest revolutionary you’ll ever meet. Charming and articulate, she could be a professor, mom or farmer – in fact, she’s all three. Being nice is part of her plan for revolution. “FARM was my graduate thesis,” she says…
Dani Lee, 2013 Eco Hero Award
Dani Lee is one of those natural beauties who sparkles all on her own. Had you seen her in the 1970s you might have thought “mellow hippy”, but Dani is full of energy and enthusiasm about her dream job.
Per capita Davis: Impractical and uneconomical?
This column by John Mott-Smith, a member of Cool Davis, is cross-posted from the Davis Enterprise. Driving down Interstate 5, motorists are accompanied by a view of the California Aqueduct, part of the several hundred-mile network of canals that make up the Central Valley Project…
California Shared Renewables
Did You Know Most Californians Aren’t Allowed to Choose Clean Energy? Although California has a mandate to supply 33% renewable energy to the grid, many Californians may simply want more. California also has smart energy laws that allow customers to install their own renewable energy…
Is Your School Being Audited? You can help!
It is not too late to give input to help with making your school site more walkable and bikeable for you and your child! The City of Davis Walk & Bike Audits are taking place in April and May at schools throughout the city. At…
Beat the Heat! Energy Efficiency and Solar Discounts for Davis Households Extended to July 31st !
The discounts with Energy Benefits Yolo (EBY)– Group Buy have been extended to run through July 31st. Households through-out Yolo County can participate in the program. REC Solar and Brower Mechanical were selected by EBY last March to provide discounts in Solar PV, Household Audits, Energy Efficiency, & Solar Hot water based on the numbers of people who sign up and contract for upgrades.
Are You Ready for May is Bike Month?
May is Bike Month is just around the corner and there are many people in Davis getting ready for this year’s fun and challenge. Log on to sign up at . Get your workplace, school site, church etc. going with the challenge! Folks in…
TRANSFORM– The Transportation Choices Summit and Advocacy Day
There is still time to sign up for TRANSFORM the Transportation Choices Summit to be held Tuesday, April 23rd. To sign up Join leading community organizations and advocates in Sacramento and help ensure state policies and investments promote effective public transit, great walking and…
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Its #giving Tuesday! We stand with you everyday to make change and take action! Donate today to help us meet our goal of $50,000 by December 31st.
Contribute to our special initiatives for 2025. More on that here – Make sure you are signed up and received our latest newsletter too!
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Don't freak out, there's still time! Please give to help us meet our goal by midnight! #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #nightowls
Thank you for helping us fly free with your evening donations (not easy in the dark ;) #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024
Yolo we are so close to our Big Day of Giving goal! Thank you for being on the move and helping us make a much needed $40,000 by midnight tonight! #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024 @yolocommunityfdn
There's no masking your generosity! Reveal your true colors and support us today for Big Day of Giving! #yoloca! #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #mayisbikemonth
We see you midday blue jays (planting those #generosity acorns in our yard)! There's still time to help us grow a beautiful garden together. #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #mayisbikemonth