Cool Davis Festival 2011

Peter Wm. Wagner teaches Chris Jones how to ride his German gymnastics wheel Sunday at the Cool Davis Festival. Fred Gladdis/Enterprise photo

Celebrating Healthy Pathways to a Low Carbon Life!

Cool Davis’ flagship event took place on  Sunday, October 16 2011 at the Veterans Memorial Center in Davis. 

Around 1700 people turned up to enjoy a fun-packed festival with interactive activities, theater, music, art, an awards ceremony and reams of good advice on how to cut carbon and live more healthily.


Festival in numbers

  • 1700 attendees
  • 69 exhibits
  • 108 performers

This year’s Cool Davis Festival – Celebrating Healthy Pathways to a Low Carbon Life! connected low-carbon lifestyle choices with our personal health and well-being, our transportation, the food we choose, the gardens we grow, the homes we make ever- more-energy-efficient and the thriving community we wish to create.

The Festival on Sunday October 16th came at the end of a special weekend of events on sustainability including film festivals, a plug-in vehicle cruise and a Service Day of Action.