Updates and standbys from our Incentives and Assistance page

Utility Bill Assistance Programs

CARE and FERA are discount programs that help eligible customers pay their energy bills. Over 1.4 million customers receive a bill discount through these two programs. Complete an online CARE/FERA enrollment form on the PG&E website to start the process and determine if you’re eligible.

  •  Avoid service disconnections for nonpayment during the COVID-19 pandemic through the end of June with flexible payment plans.
  • California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE). A monthly discount of 20% or more on gas and electricity. Participants qualify through income guidelines or if enrolled in certain public assistance programs.
  • Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA). A monthly discount of 18% on electricity only. Must be a household with three or more people. Participants qualify through income guidelines.

GRID Alternatives NO COST Renewable Energy and Job Training

GRID Alternative’s Energy for All Program provides NO-COST solar for families with low to moderate incomes. You can save up to 90% on your electricity bills!

Solar installation job training opportunities: GRID Alternatives’s Installation Basics Training (IBT) program is a competency-based certificate program designed to develop the skills that are most relevant to entry-level solar installation jobs and related construction employment fields. IBT focuses on individual certificates in industry-recognized skills, providing trainees with valuable hands-on training and access to potential employment opportunities.

Woodsmoke Reduction Program

The Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District offers an incentive program to residents that live within the District to replace their old, non-EPA certified wood stove, fireplace insert, or open-hearth fireplace with a newer, cleaner burning device, such as an EPA certified wood stove/insert or a natural gas, propane, or electric heating device.

The District is currently accepting applications for the program. Funding is provided through the US EPA’s Targeted Airshed Grant Program. Check the YSAQMD website for updates.

To participate, applicants must:

  • Live within the Sacramento Federal PM2.5 Nonattainment Area (NAA)
    Look up address here
  • If applying for low-income ($3500) voucher, you must provide proof of income (see Voucher Program document)
  • Not remove existing appliance or purchase a new device prior to Voucher approval.

Voucher Application

Home Energy Efficiency Incentives (All-Electric)

In Yolo County, the new TECH Clean California program allows participating contractors to earn between $3000 to $4800 in rebates for space conditioning heat pumps, depending on the fuels and efficiency of existing systems, plus additional rebates if duct sealing and detailed sizing calculations are performed. Also available are heat pump water heater rebates up to $3800, which can be installed by plumbers, as well as an additional $2800 if electrical panel upgrades are needed. Similar rebates are provided for multifamily apartments.

New TECH program incentives are designed to dovetail with the existing Comfortable Home Rebate program through PG&E whose website shows both rebates side by side (www.comfortablehomerebates.com). The first step is to contact a registered contractor in our region. Look for participating contractors on the TECH program website (https://energy-solution.com/tech/)



Renewable Energy Federal Tax Credit: Solar and Solar Hot Water

  • 26% for (2020 – 2022) systems placed in service after 12/31/2019 and before 01/01/2023

Electric Vehicle Tax Credits and Rebates (New Vehicles)


Updated Dec 2021

The California Clean Vehicle Rebate Program (CVRP) extended 3 years! $525 million for clean car rebates including $10 million for electric bicycles

Visit our Incentives and Assistance page for more details