Know any incentives or assistance not listed here? Email with links!
Utility Bill Assistance Programs
Updated Nov 2022
CARE and FERA are discount programs that help eligible customers pay their energy bills. Over 1.4 million customers receive a bill discount through these two programs. Complete an online CARE/FERA enrollment form on the PG&E website to start the process and determine if you’re eligible.
- Avoid service disconnections for nonpayment during the COVID-19 pandemic through the end of June with flexible payment plans.
- Understand your bill and look at ways to reduce your energy use: PG&E CARES – Sample Bill and FAQS
- California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE). A monthly discount of 20% or more on gas and electricity. Participants qualify through income guidelines or if enrolled in certain public assistance programs.
- Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA). A monthly discount of 18% on electricity only. Must be a household with three or more people. Participants qualify through income guidelines.
- The federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides up to $1,000 in aid for customers who are struggling financially. Local Yolo County resource agencies helping with LIHEAP.
- Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help program (REACH) offers one-time financial assistance to qualified customers with past-due bills.
- Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) offers up to $8,000 in unpaid balance forgiveness to qualifying customers who owe at least $500 or more on their gas and electric bill or at least $250 or more on their gas-only bill for bills that are more than 90 days past due
- STEAC (Short Term Emergency Aid Committee) administers utility assistance funding throughout Yolo County with cash assistance up to $500 to prevent utilities from being turned off or to have them restored.
GRID Alternatives NO COST Solar for Families and Job Training Program
Updated Jan 2021
GRID Alternative’s Energy for All Program provides NO-COST solar for families with low to moderate incomes. You can save up to 90% on your electricity bills!
Solar installation job training opportunities: GRID Alternatives’s Installation Basics Training (IBT) program is a competency-based certificate program designed to develop the skills that are most relevant to entry-level solar installation jobs and related construction employment fields. IBT focuses on individual certificates in industry-recognized skills, providing trainees with valuable hands-on training and access to potential employment opportunities.
Electric Vehicle Tax Credits and Rebates for NEW and USED Vehicles
Updated April 2024
Exciting incentives for electric vehicles (EVs) are now available, including a new rebate for up to $4,000 from PG&E for used EVs. Driving an EV is now more affordable with the new Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle Rebate program. An owner may qualify for a rebate up to $4,000 on the purchase or lease of an eligible, used, all-electric or plug-in hybrid EV.
Stacked with $1000 to $4000 from federal incentives, owners may now find a used EV remarkably affordable to purchase! That affordability, coupled with low maintenance and fuel costs that come standard with EVs, just makes sense especially for households trying to manage their commuting costs.
Pro-Owned Electric Vehicle Rebate program page
Vehicle eligibility
- Pre-owned (used) vehicles only
- Vehicle must be a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) or Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)
- Vehicle can be purchased or leased
- Must be listed on the HOV eligibility list at the time of purchase
- Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicles are not eligible
- Vehicle must remain registered to the applicant in California for a minimum of 20 months
- Vehicle must be currently registered to the applicant’s PG&E residential service address
List of eligible plug-in vehicles
Owner eligibility
The PG&E Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle Rebate program offers two rebate levels, based on the applicant’s household level of income when the pre-owned electric vehicle is purchased or leased.
- Standard $1,000 Eligible applicants may receive $1,000 for the purchase or lease of a pre-owned EV
- Rebate Plus $4,000 Income-qualified applicants may receive $4,000 based on their household level of income
- Customers who qualify for the Rebate Plus option, are automatically approved for a $700 rebate to purchase eligible EV charging equipment. Check out PG&E’s Residential Charging Solutions rebate to learn more
Steps forward
- Purchase or lease an eligible used EV
- Submit your rebate application within 180 days of the date of purchase or lease
- Receive a rebate up to $4,000 from PG&E
Preexisting Rebates & Incentives
- Valley Clean Energy customer electric vehicle rebate funds are currently exhausted but more funding may be available soon. Applicants must be approved by the CVRP to qualify for VCE rebates. Check the VCE website for updates.
- Federal tax credit for NEW vehicles purchased in 2023 or after up to $7,500 for buyers of electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, depending on the country of origin and processing locations for battery components and minerals, including vehicle price and income caps (IRS form 8936).
- Federal tax credit for NEW vehicles purchased in 2022 or before up to $7,500 for buyers of electric vehicles (IRS form 8936).
- Federal tax credit for USED clean vehicles purchased in 2023 or after equal to the lesser of $4,000 or 30% of vehicle cost with price and income caps (IRS form 8936).
- The list of federal-tax-credit-eligible new vehicles (purchased after April of 2023) includes manufacturers like Cadillac, Chevy, Chrysler, Ford, Jeep, Lincoln, Rivian, Tesla, and Volkswagen. The list of eligible used vehicles is much longer. To check if your car is eligible, visit You must know the model year and date the vehicle was placed into service.
- Clean Air Vehicle (CAV) stickers $22 for 4 years of access to carpool lanes after purchase of new vehicle. Clean Air Vehicle (CAV) stickers for used vehicles for income eligible also.
- Rebates for UC Davis affiliates (currently BMW or MINI vehicles)
- California Clean Fuel Reward (CCFR) $750 off sales price for buyers and lease holders. TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE (UPDATED 4/24).
Find all your relevant incentives on the CA Air Resources Board site Drive Clean
Other resources
Cool Davis EV Web Page & Transportation Program info
Used EV Tax Credit for up to 30% of the cost or $4000
New EVs: You can estimate your savings using PG&E’s Savings Calculator
Clean Vehicle Assistance Program Grants for USED Vehicles – Reservation List Full
Updated Sept 2022 – The reservation list is now full
California residents qualify for generous grants to purchase used clean vehicles. For example, a family of 3 with an income of less than $83,000 currently qualifies for the following grants if the vehicle is no more than 8 years old and has less than 75,000 miles (updated June 2022).
The program has received funding from the state of California to begin serving the current reservation list! There is limited funding to serve the reservation list. This does not guarantee you will receive a grant, once the funding runs out the reservation list will close. Participants who were not served a grant this phase may re-apply when the program re-opens and applications are made available again.
$5,000 Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
$4,500 grant for a Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV)
$1,500 grant for a Hybrid (HEV)PLUS: $2,000 grant for home charger or $1,000 gift card for public chargers
Visit the Clean Vehicle Assistance Program (CVAP) to apply.
Look for Clean Air Vehicle (CAV) stickers for used vehicles based on income.
Home Energy Efficiency Incentives – IRA Funding Has Arrived!
Updated July 2023
Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Action of 2022, new tax credits and rebates are available from the federal government and other sources covering appliances and upgrades we recommend like these:
- Ground and air source heat pumps, single package and splits (HVAC)
- Heat pump water heaters
- Solar thermal water heaters
- Sealing and insulation
- Windows, doors, and skylights
ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder helps you find rebates and special offers near you on ENERGY STAR certified products. Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label meet strict energy-efficiency specifications set by the U.S. EPA helping you save energy and money while protecting the environment. The federal government is offering a 30% tax credit with upper limits on the systems listed above and more.
Golden State Rebates is offering $500 rebates on heat pump water heaters.
PG&E is offering instant retail rebates off certain residental and commerical appliances that are ENERGY STAR labelled.
Additional incentives can be found on the Energy Star website for the services and systems below.
- Home energy audits
- Electric panel upgrades
- Solar panels, including battery storage
Rewiring America incentives calculator lists information on federal rebates for residents that fall below 150 percent of an area’s median income of up to $14,000 per household including $8,000 for heat pumps, $1,750 for heat pump water heaters, and $840 for electric stoves. The rebates should start to become available by the end of 2023 depend on how the state rolls out its incentive program.
TECH Clean California
TECH Clean California incentives for individual homeowners and multi-family units are temporarily suspended due to higher-than-anticipated response.
In Yolo County, the new TECH Clean California program allows participating contractors to earn between $3000 to $4800 in rebates for space conditioning heat pumps, depending on the fuels and efficiency of existing systems, plus additional rebates if duct sealing and detailed sizing calculations are performed. Also available are heat pump water heater rebates up to $3800, which can be installed by plumbers, as well as an additional $2800 if electrical panel upgrades are needed. Similar rebates are provided for multifamily apartments.
New TECH program incentives are designed to dovetail with the existing Comfortable Home Rebate program through PG&E whose website shows both rebates side by side (
With the TECH program, contractors are paid directly and they pass the savings on to their customers through lower project costs. With PG&E’s Comfortable Home Program, the homeowner receives the rebate directly. Both programs task contractors with recommending and reporting an appropriate bundle of services for your home and associated rebate eligibility. This is a performance based program.
State licensed contractors in good standing must submit a participation agreement and attend a brief training. These trainings — tailored for contractors, installers, engineers, building owners, property managers, and sales, service, and maintenance staff — are available for free. The enrollment link is at the bottom of the TECH program incentives page: For PG&E’s Comfortable Home Program, contractors must submit an application to participate, which is available at
The first step is to contact a registered contractor in our region. Look for participating contractors on the TECH program website.
TECH Clean California
Email for more information
Comfortable Home Program
Similar incentives are available from the TECH program for multi-family properties (5 or more units). The program is also currently offering additional planning and technical support for multi-family sites. For more information, visit Email for more information.
Renewable Energy Federal Tax Credit
Updated Nov 2022
Taxpayers may claim a credit of qualified expenditures for a system that serves a dwelling unit located in the United States that is owned and used as a residence by the taxpayer. Expenditures with respect to the equipment are treated as made when the installation is completed. If the installation is at a new home, the “placed in service” date is the date of occupancy by the homeowner. Expenditures include labor costs for on-site preparation, assembly or original system installation, and for piping or wiring to interconnect a system to the home. If the federal tax credit exceeds tax liability, the excess amount may be carried forward to the succeeding taxable year. The maximum allowable credit, equipment requirements and other details vary by technology, as outlined below.
Solar photovoltaics
- 30% for systems placed in service Jan 2022 through December 2032 (due to Inflation Reduction Act 2022)
- 26% for systems placed in service in 2033 (due to Inflation Reduction Act 2022)
- 22% for systems placed in service in 2034 (due to Inflation Reduction Act 2022)
- Battery storage equipment expenses expanded to devices with a capacity rating of 3 kilowatt hours or greater
- Includes stand-alone storage, but here’s why you should pair it with solar
- The solar PV system must be located at the taxpayer’s residence in the United States
- The taxpayer must own the solar PV system (not on a lease)
- There is no maximum amount that can be claimed
Solar water heating
- 30% for systems placed in service after 12/31/2021 and before 01/01/2033
- 26% for systems placed in service after 12/31/2032 and before 01/01/2034
- 22% for systems placed in service after 12/31/2033 and before 01/01/2035
- There is no maximum credit for systems placed in service after 2008.
- Systems must be placed in service on or after January 1, 2006, and on or before December 31, 2034.
- Equipment must be certified for performance by the Solar Rating Certification Corporation (SRCC) or a comparable entity endorsed by the government of the state in which the property is installed.
- At least half the energy used to heat the dwelling’s water must be from solar in order for the solar water-heating property expenditures to be eligible.
- The tax credit does not apply to solar water-heating property for swimming pools or hot tubs.
- The home served by the system does not have to be the taxpayer’s principal residence.
More qualifying renewable energy sources:
- Small wind-energy property
- Geothermal heat pumps
- Small wind-energy property
- Battery storage systems (standalone)
IRS Form 5695
PG&E Smart Thermostat $120 
Updated April 2021
Save up to $390 on cooling and heating costs¹ and increase comfort by replacing your manual or programmable thermostat with a new ENERGY STAR® smart thermostat. For a limited time, receive a rebate of up to $120 when you purchase an eligible model and sign up for a Time-of-Use rate plan.²
For more details click here
Other PG&E Incentives (may be redudant with other programs)
Use up to 30% less energy in your home by outfitting it with ENERGY STAR certified products, available across more than 75 categories. ENERGY STAR certified products are independently certified save energy, save money and protect the environment.
Updated May 2022
Woodsmoke Reduction Program
The Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District offers an incentive program to residents that live within the District to replace their old, non-EPA certified wood stove, fireplace insert, or open-hearth fireplace with a newer, cleaner burning device, such as an EPA certified wood stove/insert or a natural gas, propane, or electric heating device.
The District is currently accepting applications for the program. Funding is provided through the US EPA’s Targeted Airshed Grant Program. Check the YSAQMD website for updates.
To participate, applicants must:
- Live within the Sacramento Federal PM2.5 Nonattainment Area (NAA)
Look up address here - If applying for low-income ($3500) voucher, you must provide proof of income (see Voucher Program document)
- Not remove existing appliance or purchase a new device prior to Voucher approval.
Voucher Application
Why Reduce Wood Smoke?
There are approximately 10 million wood stoves currently in use in the United States, and 65 percent of them are older, inefficient, conventional stoves. Swapping out one old, inefficient wood stove is similar to taking 5 dirty, old diesel trucks off the road. Wood smoke is not only bad for the environment but can also affect your health. Wood smoke is made up of a complex mixture of gases, like carbon dioxide, methane and air toxics, and fine, microscopic particles, called PM2.5. PM2.5 is so small, it can easily bypass the human body’s natural defenses, causing short term health effects, like coughing and sneezing, and worsening existing conditions, such as asthma and heart disease.
If you have any questions, please call the District office at (530) 757 – 3650 or email: and ask about the Wood Smoke Reduction Program. If you live in Solano County but outside Dixon, Rio Vista, and Vacaville, contact the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to ask about their wood smoke reduction program by clicking here.
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing Programs
Davis property owners are eligible to participate in three Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing Programs within Yolo County. The programs include energy and water use efficiency financing options including solar panels, lighting, and indoor and outdoor water use efficiency projects. PACE is a financing tool offered by a third party vendor that property owners can use to make energy and/or water efficiency upgrades to their home or business.
The three vendors authorized to provide PACE Programs in Yolo County are CaliforniaFirst/RenewFinancial, HERO, and Ygrene. PACE financing programs are offered in many parts of the state through both public agencies (Sonoma County Water District, Placer County) and public/private and public/non-profit partnerships (California First, Ygrene, HERO, Fig Tree, etc.).
Cool Davis highlights PACE programs as a service to Davis property owners but does not necessarily endorse any individual providers.
Turf Replacement Rebate
FUNDS NO LONGER AVAILABLE: A new statewide rebate program is now available to help residential customers replace thirsty lawn with beautiful low-water use plants. The Save Our Water California program will be run entirely through the State, not individual cities.
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is offering residential customers $2 per square foot (up to $2,000 total) for removing their lawn and replacing it with drought-tolerant plants, mulch, permeable pavers and efficient drip irrigation. Artificial turf is not eligible for the rebate, and projects must be completed within 90 days.
About $12 million in rebates is available statewide, including for the Sacramento region, while $10 million is reserved for disadvantaged and drought-impacted communities, primarily located in the San Joaquin Valley.
Statewide rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are expected to go fast. The program implements Governor Brown’s Executive Order issued in April directing DWR and local water agencies to replace 50 million square feet of turf statewide with drought-tolerant landscapes.
Most household water is used for landscape watering, with lawn typically one of the thirstiest plants in a garden. Reducing or eliminating lawn can make a significant impact on the state’s water use.
Details, eligibility guidelines and an application are available at
Toilet Rebate
FUNDS NO LONGER AVAILABLE: The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is offering a rebate program for replacing toilets at California single-family residences to support the State’s drought response. Up to $100 will be rebated for purchase and installation of one qualified high-efficiency toilet (1.28 gallons per flush or less) per household for replacement of a less-efficient toilet (using more than 1.6 gallons per flush).
The $6 million toilet rebate program, also funded through Proposition 1, will help Californians replace approximately 60,000 old, inefficient toilets.
Details, eligibility guidelines and an application are available at