The Davis EV Association meeting last week  included some great presentations, including information on what it’s like to drive a hydrogen-fueled EV, and how to choose the right electric bike. If you missed the meeting, you can view a recording on the @LiveCoolDavis YouTube channel:

Per DEVA board member Richard Bode, both Ken Bradford of Ken’s Bike Ski Board and Peter Jacobsen of Bike Davis had very informative presentations about e-bikes. Richard forgot to ask about e-bike sharing/ renting programs, which appear to be very popular in Europe and were recently featured in E-Bike magazine. Perhaps there will be some follow up with the group in the future.

Presentation links and more here

Peter Jacobsen of Bike Davis: Micromobility: “Climate’s Secret Weapon”

Ken Bradford of Ken’s Bike Ski Board: “E-Bikes Advance: Types & Trends in Today’s Market”

Cool Davis updated our PDF for Buying a Used EV for this year’s National Drive Electric Week 2021 (NDEW). Please share widely! We conducted several expert reviews and pulled from national sources to make this an informative and highly local resource.

Cool Davis eBike FAQs PDF

More good stuff

Remember, the end of the year is a good time to get good prices on vehicle purchases, and tax-based incentives come quicker.
Our Cool Davis incentives page with opportunties for all sorts of money and climate savings steps — inlcling electric vehicles — has been recently updated. There are lots of ways to pay for an electric vehicle!