Water Wise Davis, a working group of Cool Davis, is partnering with the City of Davis to host a third annual Greywater Showcase in the Davis Senior Center Valente room at 646 A Street in Davis on Wednesday, July 24, from 6:00pm to 800pm. This year’s theme is case studies, shining a light on what systems look like as installed in a home. At last year’s event, Mayor Pro Tem Gloria Partida opened the event with inspirational encouragement.

This year’s Greywater Showcase will be opened by Dick Bourne, retired principal with Davis Energy Group and current Cool Davis board member, with a follow-up from Dawn Calciano, City of Davis Conservation Coordinator, who will update us on per capita water consumption data and new resources like AquaHawk for monitoring water usage at the household level.

Next, Leslie Crenna of EcoAssistant, as for previous years, will deliver a short presentation about water reuse, the potential for greywater in our community, and the two basic types of greywater systems.

Finally, several presentations will be made featuring in-depth information about particular installations here in Davis — case studies. A combination of service providers and home owners will share images of their systems and tell the story of how they decided upon a system, how the install went, and how the system has performed.

After the presentations, participants will have the opportunity to peruse model systems, and chat with system owners, Water Wise Davis members, service providers, and City of Davis building department and public works staff. Once again, our dedicated Chief Building Official, Greg Mahoney, will be on hand to answer code questions.

Be sure to access the Senior Center via the A Street entrance. If you use the 7th Street entrance, turn right down the hall and then left to the end of the hall for the Valente room.

This event is FREE!

FOUR DOOR PRIZES: Four laundry greywater system parts kits—a $75 value each! Each kit comes with a complimentary professional consultation!

Reserve your spot today! Drop-ins will be accommodated as long as there is space.

Four laundry greywater system parts kits will be given away—a $75 value each! Each kit comes with a complimentary professional consultation!

In California, greywater is defined as water collected from washing machines, sinks (excluding the kitchen sink), showers, and bathtubs that can be used for landscape irrigation. Greywater systems may help reduce household water usage especially in summer by reducing the use of potable water for outdoor irrigation. City and state level code and ordinance uses a different spelling: “graywater.”

The easiest and permit free system is a “laundry to landscape” system that directs drainage water from your clothes washing machine to your landscape. The next level requires a bit more commitment of time and resources: a “branched drain” system directs drainage water from showers, bathroom sinks, and tubs to your landscape and requires a permit. Hopefully, indoor reuse systems will also be represented at the showcase.

Greywater Showcase program:

6:05pm                Opening remarks: Dick Bourne, Retired, Davis Energy Group

6:15pm                 City of Davis Water Resources Update, Dawn Calciano, Conservation Coordinator

6:25pm                Greywater Basics Presentation, Leslie Crenna

6:50pm               Case Studies: Homeowners and Service Providers

7:40pm                Laundry greywater parts kit giveaway PLUS professional assessment and consultation

7:45pm               Open tabling and networking: Featuring Greg Mahoney, Chief Building Officer, and Dawn Calciano, Conservation Coordinator, both City of Davis


Water Wise member and greywater designer Valya Mogilner makes some last minute adjustments to the laundry to landscape greywater model she created. Photo credit Johan Verink.


Reserve your spot today! Drop-ins will be accommodated as long as there is space.

For more information, email Leslie Crenna at lesliecrenna@gmail.com.

Water Wise Davis supports wise water policy, and water conservation, reuse, and capture in the City of Davis and is a working group of Cool Davis.

At last year’s event, Mayor Pro Tem Gloria Partida opened the event with inspirational encouragement. Photo credit Johan Verink.