Kim Stanley Robinson — Save the Date — November 17th

Cool Davis is pleased to have Davis local Kim Stanley Robinson, New York Times best-selling fiction writer, back for a “cool conversation” !  We will gather post election on November 17th 3-5 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis.  Plan to join us in person or online for a special reflection on his book ” The Ministry for the Future”, Five Years Later — Impressions of Where We are in Coping With Climate Change.

Robinson writes science fiction, or more precisely, climate fiction, and the topic of most of his recent books is the urgent threat of climate change and the loss of biodiversity on our earth. He also envisions how to understand and transform our dangerous trajectory. Robinson writes of many solutions as he weaves his story, and in his talk and post talk panel discussion we will reflect now 5 years later on how we are doing.  Bring your thoughtful questions and insights.

“The Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the imagination, using fictional eyewitness accounts to tell the story of how climate change will affect us all. Its setting is not a desolate, post-apocalyptic world, but a future that is almost upon us—and in which we might just overcome the extraordinary challenges we face.” — From the publisher

Pick up a copy at the library or at local bookstore Avid Reader at 617 2nd Street, Davis

All are welcome to attend this special event.

Check back here for registration mid October

Don’t forget —  Kim Stanley Robinson – Save the Date —  November 17th 3-5 pm.!