Happy New Year! Thank you to all our donors, partners, and volunteers!
2023 has been an amazing year
So many people have contributed to our success in returning our programs to the community and practicing with new hybrid tools to reach more and more people where they live! As we launch our new strategic vision and mission we are grateful for the support of our donors, partners, and volunteers!
Thank you to our donors for your continued support!
Donors make such a big difference in supporting our fundraising and program activities: like Mike Russell, who contributed the electric scooter for our Pledge challenge, and Lynne Nittler, who made donor challenges for Big Day of Giving and the Annual Fall Appeal. We are so excited to see your support for us as we move forward with our new strategic goals to reach more neighborhoods across our region in the coming years!
Mark Adams, Sheila Allen, Dan Allison, Cynthia Anders, Judy Anderson, Frances Andrews. Kevin Baker, Lisa Baker, Tamra Barker, Ken Beck, Ben & Nicole Bourne, Bonnie Berman, Claire Black, Craig Blomberg, Michael Bobell, Richard Bode, Barry Bolden, Asoka Bondaranayake, Aaron Bone, Gayle Bone, Jason Bone & Andrea Clark, Tom Bone, Verena Borton, Earl Bossard, Dick & Carol Bourne, Barbara Bower, Jan Bower, Claire & Rich Bradley, Ann C Brayson, Sonja Brodt, Rodney Brown, Seth Brunner & Linda Clevenger, Brent Burkholder, Steve Burns, Christopher Cabaldon, Dawn Calciano, Manny Carbahal, Colette Chabbott & Theodore Thomas, Bruce & Karen Clark, Diane Clarke, Barbara Clutter, Carol Corbett, Judith Corbett, Richard Coss, Jim Cramer & Helen Roland, Bill Dakin, Robin Datel, Chris & Christopher Dewees, Brian Dewhirst, Kim & Dave DeYoung, Elisabeth Dubin, Jean-Luc Ducatillon, Torin Dunnavant, Hamza El-Nakhal, Andrew Enberg, Myrna Epstein, Cindy Erickson, Sarah Estrella, Laura Fisher, Cathy Forkas, Kelsey Fortune, Frank Fox, Konrad Franco, Rolf Frankenbach, Stacie & Lucas Frerichs, Laurie Friedman, Debra Fung, Barbara Gardner. Mary Garrison, Cynthia Gerber, Cynthia Goldberg, John Gould, Chris Granger &Â John Johnston, Carol Greene, Larry & Beverly Greene, Paul Grench, Ari Halberstadt, Sharon Hale. Alisa and Ron Haller/Cotterel, Ann Halsted, Julie Haney, Kevin Hanks, Amina Harris, Rachel Hartsough, Duncan Hay, Kristin Heinemeier, Bill Heinicke, Lisa Henderson, Ashley Hill, Carol Hillhouse, William Hines, Hirsch Sandronsky Family Fund, Marc Hoeschele, Buddy Hubbert, Siobhan Hudson, Mark Huising, Yvonne Hunter, Alan Jackman, Gail Jankowski, Jamie Jensen, Robert Johnson, Joseph Johnston, Lucia Kaiser, David Kalb, Lorin Kalisky, David Kane, Ken Kaplan, John Katonah, Alex Kenefick, Ken Kirsch, Vivi Kirsch, Bill Kopper, Lorenzo Kristov, Joe & Janet Krovoza, Autumn Labbe-Renault, Elizabeth Lasensky, Kelly Lazzaroni, Brett Lee, Julia Levine, Karen Leyse, Ann and John Liu, Josh Livni, Jonathan Long, Diane Makley, Petrea Marchand, Anya & Richard McCann, Stephen McCord, Greg McPherson, Gil Medovoy, Ron Milam, Kathy Miura, Ellen Moriarty, Donald Morrill, Marilyn Moyle, Subhash Mullapudi, Steve Murphy, Satoshi Nakamura, Rena Nayyar, Danielle Newberry, David Newhouse, Lynne Nittler, Aaron & Suzanne Nitzkin, Ann Noble, Stephen Noctor, Elli Norris, David Osleger, Dawid Pabian, Cambria Pardner, Elise Parnes & Johannes Troost, Susan Pelican, Jeff Pelz, Robert E Pexton, Charles Pickett, Matthew Price, Martha Quenon, Caroline Quinn, Betsy Raymond, Jasmine Ripoyla, Bill Roe, Kunzang Roesler, jesikah maria ross, Nan Rowan, Elsa Ruiz-Duran, Meghan Russell, Mike Russell, Susan Knadle & Chuck Salocks, Steve Schoenig, Nick Shepard, Estelle Shiroma, Steve Short, Lynn Simon, Lise Smidth, Joanna Solins, Pam Sparks. Dan Sperling, Robert Spich, Colin Stack-Troost, Teresa Steele, Susan Steinbach, Steve Streeter, Katrina Sutton, Virginia Thigpen, Craig Thomsen, Roseanna Torretto, Anil Vaitla, Aruna Vaitla, Hanumantha Rao Vaitla, Lakshmi Vaitla, Nagamani Vaitla, Ramam Vaitla, Rekha Vaitla, Georgina Valencia, Marc Vayssieres, Lynn Volkerts, Carol Warren, Christal Waters, Mike Webb, Christina West, Lindsay Weston, Stephen Wheeler, Greg Williams, Neil Willits, Evelyn Wilson, Luke Wilson, Betty & James Woo, Judy Wydick, Michael Yackey, Meagan Yoshimoto-Clark, Brian and Lisa Youngs, Barbara Zadra, and Jim Zanetto.
Thank you to our partners for sharing in our work!
Cool Davis is so grateful for the many businesses, institutions, community organizations, and neighborhood groups who share our concern for action on climate. We especially want to recognize the following organizations for their commitment of time, expertise, and/or resources, working with us in the community and sustaining our programs this year.
Aztec Solar, Bike Davis, Bike Campaign, Brower Mechanical, Inc, Church of Scientology, Citadel Roofing & Solar, Clean Start, City of Davis, Congregation Bet Haverim, Connected Technology, Davis Chamber of Commerce, Davis Community Church, Davis Downtown Business Association, Davis Farmers Market, Davis Farm-to-School, Davis Food Co-op, Davis Friends Meeting, Davis Friends Meeting, Davis Media Access, Davis United Methodist Church, Electrify My Home, Episcopal Church of St. Martin, Explorit, Farallon Strategies LLC, Frontier Energy (Davis Energy Group), Geospatial Clarity, Greiner Heating Air & Solar, Hanlees Auto Group, HMP Bikes,Indigo/ Hammond & Playle Architects, LLP, International House Davis, JMH Architecture, Ken’s Bike & Ski, Lori Prizmich and Assoc Inc, Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, M.Cubed, Manor Neighborhood, MAK Design+Build, Mutual Housing California – New Harmony, NorCal AAA- Davis Auto Repair, Ohm Electric Cars,Â
Omsoft, Rancho Yolo & Rancho Yolo Community Association, RePowerYolo, Sac EV Association, Sierra Club Yolano Group, Solar Roof Dynamics – Citadel Roofing & Solar, St. James Catholic Church, Gospel Justice Group, The Bike Campaign & Bike Garage, Tree Davis, Tuleyome, UCD Energy Efficiency Center, UCD Institute of Transportation Studies, UCD Sustainability Office, UCD Transportation & Parking Services, UCD Unitrans, UCD Western Cooling Efficiency Center, Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, Unity Center of Davis, University Covenant Church, Valley Clean Energy, Village Homes — Homeowners Association, Villara, Yolo Citizens Climate Lobby, Yolo County Transportation District, Yolo Federal Credit Union, Yolo Food Bank, Yoloberry, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District.
Thank you to our volunteers for the many hours of service you have contributed this year!
Board of Directors Lisa Baker, Jason Bone, Kelsey Fortune, Julie Haney, Kristin Heinemeier, Ken Kirsch, Â Matt Price, Johannes Troost, and Rekha Vaitla. Former Board Member: Larry Greene
Admin & Data Team Marsha Baird, Jason Bone, Monica Parisi
Communications Team Michael Kluk, Johan Verink, Brittney Nial and Maggie Maue Communications interns
SVCC Fellows 2022-23 Karen Castaneda, Maribel Cruz, Nala Haley, Emily Vu, and Ben Yang
SVCC Fellows 2023-24 Wendy Zhong, Tamara Ndi, Cecilia Ma Li, and Cameron Kiongo
Cool Solutions Campaigns
- Household Engagement Jose Tomas Diaz, Maryam Farhangfar, Frances Tauzer, Ken Kirsch, Maggie Maue, and Brittney Nial. Climate Movie Circle: Carson Poe, Natalie Aguilar, Jess Frisbie, Tanya Kucak, Jon Bjornstad, and Anya McCann.  Neighborhood Teama: Elizabeth Lasensky, Rancho Yolo, Lorenzo Kristov, Manor Neighborhood and VCAC, Katie Tremper and Maggie Dorsey of Rancho Yolo and RYC4ER (Rancho Yolo Committee 4 Emergency Response).
- Home Energy-Make A Plan Bill Dakin, Julie Haney, Kristin Heinemeier, Frontier Energy, Yvonne Hunter, VCE; Kiernan Salmon, UC Davis; David Springer; Duane Knickerbocker, Brower Mechanical; Richard McCann; Vrushali Mendon; Nathan Breeding, Greiner Heating & Air; Sierra Huffman, VCE, Bill Heinicke
- Double Up on Solar Battery Backup – Sierra Huffman, VCE; Jon Gemma, Aztec Solar; Aaron Nitzkin, Citadel Roofing & Solar; John Walter, RePower Yolo; Richard McCann.
- Ride Cool EV Adoption and Transportation Programs & CDTTF Alan Hirsch, Richard Bode, Anthony Palmere, Mark Tebbutt, Chrystal Waters, and other Partners – UCD Go Club, City of Davis Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator, BTTSC Rep
- Steering Committee Richard Bode, DEVA, Alan Hirsch, Yolo Mobility and Davis Futures Forum; Elizabeth Lazensky, Rancho Yolo; Robin Kozloff, Manor Neighborhood and Davis Media Access; Lorenzo Kristov, Manor Neighborhood, VCAC; Lynne Nittler, YIACJ; Scott Steward, YCEC and Climate Strike; Johannes Troost.
- Working Groups
- Cool Cuisine Anya McCann
- Leadership Team Ash Dalal, Eugen Dunlap, Vaishnavi Karanam, Katrina Sutton, Barbara Gardner, Data and Communications, Guy Hall, SacEV Rep, Robert Poeschel, Data and Communications, Nathan Wong Former lead – Richard Bode
- DEVA Event Volunteers 2023Â JoEllen Arnold, Richard Bode, Jason Bone, Richard Casias, Peter Chu, Eugen Dunlap, Cathy Forkas, Bobbie Garcia, Emilio Garcia, Barbara Gardner, Bing Gu, Bob Haran, Richard Hart, Sandra Hemingway, Bill Horbaly, Paul Imhof, John Johnston, Greg Lynch, Â Peter Mackin, Lynne Nittler, Monica Parisi, George Parrott, Robert Poeschel, Fabrizio Saraceni, Katrina Sutton, Rekha Vaitla, Linda Wallace, Nathan Wong, Erik Yde, Wendy Zhong
- Davis Futures Forum Judith Corbett, Stephen Wheeler, Alan A Hirsch
- YIACJ Leaders Lynne Nittler, Ann Liu, Jim Cramer, Johannes Troost, Rick Heubeck, Ann Privateer, Carol Warren, Steve Streeter
- Yolo Mobility Anthony Palmere, Alan Hirsch
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Its #giving Tuesday! We stand with you everyday to make change and take action! Donate today to help us meet our goal of $50,000 by December 31st. www.cooldavis.org/donate-now/
Contribute to our special initiatives for 2025. More on that here –
www.cooldavis.org/2024/11/15/stand-together-we-stand-with-you/ Make sure you are signed up www.cooldavis.org/signup/ and received our latest newsletter too! www.cooldavis.org/civicrm/mailing/view/?id=1521
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Don't freak out, there's still time! Please give to help us meet our goal by midnight! #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #nightowls https://www.bigdayofgiving.org/cooldavis
Thank you for helping us fly free with your evening donations (not easy in the dark ;) #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024 https://www.bigdayofgiving.org/cooldavis
Yolo we are so close to our Big Day of Giving goal! Thank you for being on the move and helping us make a much needed $40,000 by midnight tonight! #yoloca #bdog2024 #givebig2024 @yolocommunityfdn https://www.bigdayofgiving.org/cooldavis
There's no masking your generosity! Reveal your true colors and support us today for Big Day of Giving! #yoloca! #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #mayisbikemonth https://www.bigdayofgiving.org/cooldavis
We see you midday blue jays (planting those #generosity acorns in our yard)! There's still time to help us grow a beautiful garden together. #bdog2024 #givebig2024 #mayisbikemonth https://www.bigdayofgiving.org/cooldavis