The Cool Davis Annual Partner meeting is coming up soon — Monday, December 4th from 5-7 pm at the US Bicycle Hall of Fame.

Climate Impacts are upon us. Greenhouse gas reduction goals are challenging organizations to change the way they work, use energy and move their services, products, and employees around.

  • Local businesses and organizations will share their wisdom and experience in making change.
  • Come listen to solutions and options for reducing and managing building energy use and promoting low carbon transportation solutions for your organization, employees and members/customers, as well as other sustainable practices that are working for local organizations.

Meet other like minded leaders interested in how to move their organizations forward to both benefit from and respond to the changes ahead!

  • 5-5:30 Gather and Mixer
  • 5:30-6:30 Greeting and Panel Presentation
  • 6:30 – 7:00 Time for Connections and Follow-up

Register here for December 4th and receive link to a recording and follow-up materials.

Want to learn more about partnership? Request information to become a partner.