Email for local events not included on this list and we’ll add them!


Yolo Earth Day Celebrate and Share

Saturday April 13 Mary L Stephens Davis Branch Yolo County Library (10am-12:30pm)

Come celebrate and share with us! We are excited to welcome the community to join in the fun with displays, games, experts, and sharing focusing on the year of climate action. The 2023-2024 Yolo Earth Day Pledge Challenge hosted by Cool Davis and the City of Davis has been inspiring, and we will honor the pledgers, volunteers, and experts who made it successful. The Yolo County Sustainability and Office of Emergency Services will be on hand with activities and information. The event will be held at the Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch Yolo County Library at 315 East 14th Street in Davis in the Blanchard Room Saturday April 13 from 10:00am to 12:30pm. Thank you to the library for providing our venue and carnival popcorn. Email for more information. Drop in or RSVP. Learn more on our pledge page!

Picnic Day Parade with Cool Davis and the Davis Electric Vehicle Association (DEVA)

Saturday April 20th 9:30am to 11am UC Davis campus and Downtown Davis

Save your spot along the parade route and check out our vibe! More info about UC Davis Picnic Day.

“Carbon: The Unauthorized Biography” Virutal Movie Screening

Tuesday April 23 at 4pm PST 

With carbon in the news every day, you might think you know everything about her. But you’d be wrong. This spectacular and surprisingly unorthodox documentary reveals the paradoxical story of the element that builds all life, and yet may end it all. Narrated in first person by Sarah Snook (“Succession”), ”Carbon” the movie tells a story of birth in the violent core of an exploding star and of turbulent sagas through the fabric of our evolving Earth. Accompanied by celebrated scientists, unique animations and a stunning orchestral score, “Carbon” reminds us of our humble participation in the most extraordinary story in the universe. Visit our post for more information.


Tree Davis Arbor Day Festival and Tree Planting

Saturday April 6 from 9am to 2pm at “N” Street Park in Davis (at Pomona Drive)

Tree lovers of all ages are encouraged to join the City of Davis, Tree Davis, and the Davis Manor Neighborhood Association and Creative Action Team for an Arbor Day Tree Planting and Festival. The day will kick off with a community tree planting throughout in front of neighbors’ homes followed by a festival at N Street Park with exhibitors from the UC Davis Arboretum, Cool Davis, City of Davis, and Tree Davis. Learn how everyone can improve our urban forest to ensure our city is healthy and green. There will be activities for youngsters, and there will be talks, tours, and demonstrations to show what it takes to plant and care for trees in Davis. Drop in anytime to this FREE event!

Climate Strike Fridays for Future 5th and B Streets

Friday April 12 12pm to 1pm 5th and B Streets Davis

Join Fridays for Future youth and supporting adults to strike for climate at 5th and B Streets in Davis. Bring signs, hats, water, and passion! See Friday April 19 below for Sacramento action.

Tree Davis Tree Plantings

Saturday April 13 from 9am to 12pm at Holmes Junior High School

Join Tree Davis in planting Climate-Ready Trees at Holmes Junior High School! All volunteers must bring their own work gloves, water, snacks, sun protection and closed toed shoes. We request that volunteers who are feeling ill in any form wait until they are fully recovered to participate in Tree Davis events. Tree Davis is a Cool Davis partner. Refer to the Tree Davis calendar for event details.


Davis Food Co-op Sunshine Street Fair

April 14th 11:00am-2:00pm

Davis Food Co-op, 620 G Street, Davis, CA 95616

Stop by the Davis Food Co-op Sunshine Street Fair where we’ll be celebrating the Earth! Activities include:

  • Live Music
  • Hands-on Sustainability Workshops
  • Free Vegan Recipe Demonstration and Tasting in the Teaching Kitchen*
  • Kids & Family Activities
  • Local Art Vendors
  • Vegan & Vegetarian Food
  • Free Samples
  • Community Resources
  • & More

*Space is very limited and is first come, first served.


Fridays for Future Global Climate Strike March and Rally

Friday April 19 from 12pm to 2pm Gather at Crocker Park, Sacramento, march and rally at the Capitol Mall

All youth and allies/elders are invited to join this Friday for Future Global Day of Action. Signs, noise makers, chants and speakers will call upon Governor Newsom to stop issuing new fossil fuel permits, drop existing oil production, and continue to roll out setbacks between oil infrastructure and communities.  More infomation.

Yolo County Earth Day Celebration

Saturday April 20 9am to 3pm at the Yolo County Central Landfill 44030 County Road 28H

Visit the Big Blue Barn at the Yolo County Central Landfill and chat with local agency representatives with games and puzzles for families, and shopping and creative repurposing ideas. Free compost for Yolo County residents. The Yolo County Sustainability Team will be onsite and the Yolo Food Bank will be accepting donations of food! Shop at the 50% off sale at the Big Blue Barn Thrift Store. Check for updates.

Community Mercantile Earth Day Call to Artists

Sunday April 21 at the Community Mercantile 622 Cantrill Ave Davis … afternoon artist discussion

Artists are invited to submit works to be displayed at the Community Mercantile reuse shop during the month of April in celebration of Earth Month. The Merc is looking for submissions of any media of art made with or including repurposed items. Due to limited space at the shop,  number and size of submissions may be limited. Artists may offer their item for sale. The Community Mercantile will collect a fee of 25% of the sale price. There is no charge to submit work. The Community Mercantile is open from 12pm to 5pm on Saturdays. On April 21st, a few artists will be selected to discuss their work at an afternoon program. Check for updates.


Climate Poetry with the Sheep

Wednesday April 24 through 26 9:30am to 3pm

What comes to mind when you think of “Climate Change”? Add your ideas to our UC Davis Sheepmowers Research Project word cloud! The top words will be spray painted on the UC Davis Sheepmowers sheep for our climate poetry event on April 25th. Please submit your words by April 15th. For more information visit Download the QR code.

Woodland Green Drinks

Friday April 26 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm on the patio at Morgan’s Mill

Woodland environmentalists are warmly invited to an EARTH DAY “green drinks” social to build community and connections among environmental professionals, activists, researchers, and anyone concerned about the planet. Whether you just want to meet others, network professionally, green your life, or just make new like-minded friends, we would love to have you join us. Worldwide visit Buy-your-own. Morgan’s Mills is at 1059 Court Street, Suite 105, Woodland. Please RSVP on Facebook.  Tell your friends! Hosted by the Woodland Sustainability Advisory Committee,

Free Compost Giveaway

March 1 through May 31 2024 Mon through Sat 6:30am to 4pm, Sunday 8am to 4pm Yolo County Landfill 44090 County Road 28H

FREE COMPOST for Yolo County Residents returned March 1st! During he months of March, April, and May, residents are able to obtain compost at no charge. Materials available to businesses and landscapers for a fee. Open to all Yolo County Residents! Bring a shovel, bags, and proof of residency in the form of a utility bill or driver’s license! This program is self-service! Check for updates.


Yolo County Vegan Chef Challenge

April 1 through 30. An entire month of BRAND NEW vegan options all over Yolo County! Restaurants throughout the Yolo County area will feature special vegan menu items. Diners have the opportunity to go out, enjoy meals, vote, comment, and post photos of the delicious vegan meals they have ordered. This challenge’s theme is Go Green, Yolo! We will be encouraging diners to consider plant-based for the environment. Check out the Vegan Chef Challenge for more info.

UC Davis Arboretum Plant Sales

Sunday April 7 and Saturday April 27 10am to 1pm UC Davis Arboretum Teaching Nursery

Shop the UC Davis one-acre nursery for an incredible selection of attractive, low-water plants perfect for our region. Bring home beautiful plants that help support a sustainable environment. Your purchases play a vital role in supporting the growth and care of our gardens, student environmental leadership opportunities, and free public programs. Discover the joys of gardening with plants that help heal our environment while nurturing our community! More info:

Cesar Chavez Elementary School Bike Swap

Natural Resources Commission Meeting

Monday April 22 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm Community Chambers 23 Russell Boulevard (behind City Hall)

The City of Davis Natural Resources Commission meets at the Community Chambers Conference Room at City Hall on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30pm. The commission does not normally meet in August or December. The public is welcome to attend. Sign up for eNotification to receive meeting information via email.

Yolo County Climate Action Commission Meeting

Monday April 22 from 4pm to 6:30pm Online and in person at Yolo County Board Chambers at 625 Court Street, Woodland, Room 206

The Yolo County Climate Action Commission is charged with developing and implementing a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) to meet the 2030 goal and ensuring vulnerable, marginalized, and historically underserved communities are centered in the process. The program also works closely with external partners including local municipalities, regional agencies, community-based organizations, and local community leaders to align goals and collaborate on regional climate mitigation and adaptation. More information.



SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2024
10AM – 2PM

Enjoy riding with all your friends, family, and co-workers on the 12 mi. Davis Bike Loop any time between 10am and 2pm.

Visit up to 11 fun stations, find Whymcycles and special treats along the way! Get on the Bike Loop anywhere, and go in either direction.

Come see Cool Davis at station 3; Mace Ranch picnic area!



California Native Plant Society Sacramento Plant Sale

Saturday April 6 from 11:30 to 3:00 pm at Soil Born Farms 2140 Chase Drive, Rancho Cordova

The SacValley CNPS Nursery has been responsibly growing local native plants since 2007 and is operated entirely by volunteers. This is a smaller sale with fewer species available.  Drive thru pick-ups available for large orders. SacValley CNPS Nursery & Gardens is on the American River Parkway at Soil Born Farms. 2140 Chase Drive, Rancho Cordova. Questions ? Email Chris at More info:

Sacramento Earth Day

Sunday April 21 from 11am to 4pm at Southside Park 700 T St. Sacramento

Environmental Council of Sacramento – Sacramento Earth Day is the largest Earth Day celebration in the Sacramento region. Join us on April 21, 2024 at Southside Park in Sacramento, for a free, family-friendly event, with opportunities to learn and network about sustainability. We will have 150 exhibitors and vendors, and hundreds of attendees. Transport Options: #51 Bus stop at 9th and T St.; Blue Line LRT station at 13th and R St.; From Business I-80 take 10th St exit. More information.

American River Parkway Foundation Clean-Up

Saturday April 20 from 10am to 12pm at 195 Jibboom St, Sacramento

Join us for a Clean-Up on the Parkway the Saturday before Earth Day! Please arrive by 9:50am to sign in and receive a safety briefing. Volunteers will head out to clean by 10:10am. Volunteers 17 and under must bring a Youth Waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian. Volunteers 15 and under must be accompanied at all times by a parent or legal guardian. Volunteers 18 and over must bring a completed and signed 2024 Waiver. CANCELLATION POLICY: For the safety of our volunteers, ARPF volunteer events are subject to cancellation in the case of weather, flooding, and other natural causes. Cancellations will be posted on the ARPF calendar at least 24 hours before the event start time, and all registered volunteers will receive an email notification. Register:  

The Gardens Gone Native Garden Tour 

Friday April 27 9:30am-4:00pm

Enjoy native gardens in the Davis and Sacramento area on the tour.  FREE. Registration required.  More information.


California Duck Days

Saturday April 27 from  9am to 4pm at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Headquarters, 45211 County Road 32B, Davis

California Duck Days is a family oriented, community-based outdoor festival held at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Headquarters, 45211 County Road 32B, Davis. This event will have activities for people of all ages, on-site activities for families, interactive exhibits, wetland themed arts and crafts and much more. Come by the City’s Wildlife table to learn about our local wildlife and pollinators, and the Davis wetlands. Learn more on the Yolo Basin Foundation’s Website

California Ocean Day 19th Annual

Monday May 7 from 9am to 5pm at the Capitol Annex Swing Space, 1021 O St Sacramento

Ocean Day is a chance for Californians to come to our state capitol to learn about threats facing the ocean and take action to protect it! This event is open to the public. Register:

Whole Earth Festival at UC Davis

May 10 through 12 Mother’s Day Weekend UC Davis Quad and other events across campus

The annual Whole Earth Festival will be taking place on the UC Davis campus this May! There will be vendors, exhibitors, art, plant-based eating, and more. Mark your calendars for the festival next month! More info: