An Urban Forest Plan is underway!

The City of Davis is working with Tree Davis and the community to develop an Urban Forest Management Plan! Visit the City website to give you input and learn more!

This Plan will communicate the community’s vision for the future urban forest and guide the care and planting of trees and growth of canopy cover (among other things) over the next 40 years.

What is Davis’ Urban Forest?

Davis’ urban forest is the collection of privately- and publicly-owned trees and woody shrubs that grow within the City.

City trees are a subset of the urban forest and consist of trees on publicly owned lands and rights-of-way including on streets, in City parks, and at City owned facilities.

More information on the City’s urban forestry program can be found here: Urban Forestry

We Want to Hear from You!

This Plan will be developed with input from you. Learn about the planning process, the urban forest, and share your impressions through in-person conversations, virtual meetings, and/or through our online survey, below! We would love to hear your thoughts on the state of our urban forest, suggested goals for the future, and how we (as a community) can look to achieve those goals.

The City facilitated two drop-in events and will be holding two virtual meetings to hear from you. Our drop-in events were held at Davis Farmers Market on Saturday, August 27, 2022 and Saturday, September 24, 2022, where we engaged with many members of the community. If you dropped by and provided comments, thank you!

Virtual Meeting No. 1
Join the City for an overview of the Plan, discussion of the work completed so far, a summary of comments and engagement to date (including photography competition results) and next steps.

Thursday November 10, 2022
6:30 p.m.  – 7:30 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 899 9322 9697
Phone Line: 1-669-900-9128

Can’t attend the meetings, or have additional thoughts to share? Please let us know by submitting comments via the comment tool below! All of the comments received will be reviewed by project and City staff.

Questions? Comments?

Please feel free to share your comments via the comment tool or reach out to staff at Public Works Utilities & Operations – Urban Forestry Division via email: or by phone 530-757-5686.

This Urban Forest Management Plan is made possible in part by a grant from CAL FIRE through Prop 68.