Our local Yolano Group of the Sierra Club has arranged for Lorenzo Kristov to give a public talk (via Zoom) on community resilience April 13 at 7pm.  All are welcome to attend.

Resilience in the 21st century means the ability of a community to maintain essential functions and services when severe disruptive events occur. Resilience is a local attribute because impacts of these disruptions are always felt locally, even when they affect a large geographic area. This webinar will offer ideas for how to think constructively about community resilience, using principles drawn from complex adaptive systems and biomimicry. We will emphasize energy resilience because almost every essential function needs energy, and we will consider state and local policies that can foster community resilience.

Lorenzo spoke in August along with Mark Lakeman and the folks from Eco Block on this topic at the Cool Davis Quarterly meeting in 2021. A video of that presentation is available on our LiveCoolDavis YouTube channel.

To learn more about and connect with the Yolano Group, visit their website.