The Nominations Are In! City of Davis Award Presentations Set for April 19 and 20
Hello community members!
The nominations are in! Thank you to those who submitted nominations for this year’s Environmental Recognition Award (ERA) and congratulations to the nominees. We had a significant number of nominations this year describing how the nominee has shown exceptional environmental initiative, and/or how the nominee’s actions/achievements have improved our environmental quality of life. All of the award nominees are quite worthy, and the City of Davis is proud to let you know that your environmental and sustainability efforts in the Davis community are recognized and appreciated.
This year is the 28th Annual Environmental Recognition Awards, a program that has continued throughout the pandemic. Please save the date for the award presentations scheduled for April 19 at the regular City Council meeting and April 20 in person at a location to be determined at 5:30pm in the evening.
This year’s ERA schedule is as follows:
- March 21 Awards Nominations due to City staff
- March 25 NRC subcommittee meets to evaluate nominations and make recommendations to full NRC
- March 28 NRC regular meeting to review and approve subcommittee recommendations to forward to City Council
- April 5 City Council consent item to approve NRC award Recommendations
- April 19 Ceremonial ERA presentations at City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. (virtual)
- April 20 In-person outdoor award ceremony at 5:30 pm for “pandemic” award winners (2020, 2021, 2022)
Thank you again to all our submitters and nominees!
Kerry Loux, City of Davis Sustainability Coordinator
Editor’s Note: Cool Davis received an award in the non-profit category in 2021 and will be in attendance!
Visit City of Davis ERA page for information and previous award winners
Below is the list of award nominations in three categories, listed in alphabetical order.
Individual/Group NOMINEES
- David Robinson: member of the Tree Davis board of directors for nearly 30 years
- Eliot Larson: youth climate activist
- Eric Newman: founder and coordinator of the Friends of the North Davis Channel
- Gayna Lamb-Bang: wildlife and habitat advocate
- Sherri Sandberg: Davis High School teacher for 32 years
- Yolo Climate Emergency Coalition: environmental justice alliance of climate activists
- Dos Coyotes: restaurant commited to sustainability throughout the Sacramento-area
- The Wardrobe: boutique promoting slow fashion
- Bike Davis: has served the Davis community with bike education and advocacy efforts for 15 years
- Davis Community Meals and Housing: serves three community meals per week, shelter, supportive housing
- Explorit: children’s science museum
- Tree Davis: enhancing and expanding our urban forest
Read the full text of the narratives in support of the nominees.
#mayisbikemonth may be over but these #loopalooza photos are still fresh! Davis City Bike Davis The Bike Campaign and Bike Garage Davis Bike Club Bike Davis Kids Davis Bike Collective Bike Party Davis ... See MoreSee Less
Cool Davis is hoping all our friends living in Rancho Yolo remain well! This is a reminder of our fragile grid and the need to look after each other during heat emergencies. Hurray that the City of Davis City now has Social Services staff to join City of Davis Fire Department to assist when a vulnerable neighborhood's power goes down.
For other down neighborhoods - remember to check on your neighbors! If your power is still on consider ways to reduce your energy use pre-cool , cover windows, delay appliance use, double up with neighbors in a cool location - cooling center (see City post for cooling center info), movie theater etc to reduce loads. After the emergency, move forward on your plans for how you will reduce and manage energy use in the future. We have to stand together to adapt to new climate challenges. Cool Davis and our many partners are here to help.
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