16-county Megaregion Working Group agrees on 12 priority transportation investments

October 21, 2021: At its last meeting of the year, the Northern California Megaregion Working Group approved the “Megaregion Dozen,” a list of 12 transportation projects that connect the San Francisco Bay Area to the Sacramento region. Adoption of the priorities is a huge milestone for the group. Together, the three Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) that form the working group represent 16 counties, 136 cities, and a population of nearly 11 million people. Collective advocacy and lobbying support for the “Megaregion Dozen” puts each project in a better position to acquire the funding it needs to be completed.

The Megaregion Working Group comprises elected officials who represent the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG), and the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG). Together, they are tackling how people and goods move throughout the 16-county Northern California megaregion. Coordination among the largest metropolitan areas to prioritize resources will help to make meaningful progress on transportation and land-use investments. Although the group had met infrequently in the past, it was at the urging of Davis Vice Mayor, and immediate past SACOG board chair and current director, Lucas Frerichs that the group reconvened and committed to finding meaningful ways to work together and develop shared priorities.

Frerichs believes the agreement acknowledges the growing economic interdependence of the megaregion and will prove to be a huge bonus in the eyes of policymakers. “Alignment on a shared transportation vision with our neighboring MPOs showcases everyone’s commitment to action. It sets the foundation and demonstrates to our state and federal funding partners that investments here will lead to real, tangible results,” he said.

For more information, read the full article on the SACOG website.

Yolo I-80 and US-50 Managed Lanes Project from Davis to downtown Sacramento and Natomas

It is predicted that traffic through this section of highway will continue to increase. Planned highway improvements include pedestrian/bicycle facilities and lane management strategies to help ease overall traffic in the corridor.

I-5 Managed Lanes from Sutterville Road (Sacramento City – County) to the Yolo County line (bridge over river)

This corridor will face some of the worst growth-related traffic congestion in the region. Improvements will help to promote transit usage, improve travel time, and promote ridesharing.

Sacramento to Roseville Third Main Track – Phase 1

This project increases the capacity and frequency of passenger rail service to improve travel time and reliability for the corridor without sacrificing Union Pacific Railroad freight operations. This lays the groundwork for up to 10 trains a day between Sacramento and Roseville. The up to two additional round trips a day will provide congestion relief along the Capitol Corridor route, improve air quality, and decrease energy use.

Valley Rail Program includes expansion of both Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) and the San Joaquins services.

The Valley Rail Program will provide a connection from Sacramento and Northern San Joaquin Valley to the high-speed rail system at the Merced station. The project will also bring a commuter rail connection from San Jose, Dublin, Livermore, and Stockton up to downtown Sacramento and the Sacramento International Airport.