Friday October 29, 2021:

Fossil Free Future Day of Action. A coalition of youth and other groups across the globe — including the Youth Climate Finance Alliance, Stop the Money Pipeline, and the Future Coalition — have been organizing in advance of COP26. The plan is to shut down bank branches in cities around the globe to call out Wall Street’s greenwashed climate commitments. “By going after the banks that are financing fossil fuel extraction, we’re cutting off the money pipeline that is the fossil fuel industry’s only hope of survival in a world that is eager to transition to clean energy.”(Teen Vogue: “Big Banks Are Funding Fossil Fuel Projects — Let’s Hold Them Accountable” by Katie Eder and Shannon Carlson)

Find an event outside of Davis:

Protest at JPMorgan Chase Bank in Davis

No. 1 funder of fossil fuel industry in the world!

 Inline image

Gather 12:00pm – Davis Central Park, 5th & B 

12:30-1:30pm at JP Morgan Chase Bank (330 E Street & Third)

If you can’t make the protest, email or phone your message to: Scroll to “contact Chase” and follow the steps to make your thoughts known!

Bring a sign if you can! Sign ideas – Stop Chase from funding climate chaos! -Stop the world’s largest funder of fossil fuel!  -Chase loaned $269 billion to fossil fuel companies since Paris – no more! -Chase invests in climate disasters at our expense!  -Stop Chase, the world’s largest funder of fossil fuels! -Hold Chase accountable: no more fossil fuel projects! -End fossil fuel expansion; stop Chase funding! -The world is burning; Chase is throwing fuel on the fire. -No funding for new fossil fuel projects!  

JPMorgan Chase is the world’s largest funder of the fossil fuel industry!

The truth about Chase: In the four years after the Paris Agreement was adopted in late 2015, Chase provided nearly $269 billion to fossil fuel corporations that were building coal mines, oil pipelines and fracked gas terminals ― that’s 36% more than any other bank in the world.

For the last three years, organizers have been building a powerful, nationally-networked campaign to hold Chase accountable for its complicity in the climate crisis. While Chase continues to fund deadlier heat waves, hotter fires, and higher floodwaters, their shareholders are demanding change. Chase has stepped back from some coal projects and some drilling in the arctic. Public protest is beginning to work, so let’s keep up the pressure.

If you decide to close your Chase Bank account now that you know the truth about your bank, let us know so we can interview you about your reasons!  Your decision may start a landslide of others!  Contact Lynne Nittler at

Curious to know more?  Read these articles:

Report by Sierra Club and Rainforest Action:  Banking on Climate Chaos 2021 – Banking on Climate Chaos

Friday, October 29:

Global Day of Action to Defund Climate Chaos and Fossil Fuels in San Francisco

WHAT: #DefundClimateChaos Mural Action for a #FossilFreeFuture: BlackRock, Banks and Biden: Stop Setting Our World on Fire! Join the Global Day of Action to #DefundClimateChaos for a #FossilFreeFuture on the eve of the Glasgow Climate Summit. Deadline Glasgow: Demand that all financial institutions stop financing and funding the corporations engaged in climate destruction and human rights abuses by the start of the Glasgow Climate Talks on November 1, 2021, If we stop the flow of money, we stop the flow of oil. Help paint a block-long street mural using paint made from ashes for CA wildfires. Support the #FridayforFuture global student-youth climate strike, led locally by YouthVS Apocalypse.
WHEN: Friday October 29, 9am-1pm
WHERE: BlackRock Headquarters, 400 Howard St (at 1st St, near Embarcadero or Montgomery BART), San Francisco, CA–worlds biggest financier of climate fires, climate chaos and deforestation. BlackRock investments set the world on fire, from CA to the Amazon.
WHO: Street Mural Action Initiated by: NDN Collective, Idle No More SF Bay, Climate Justice Street Mural Arts Project, AIM Central Foothills. Co-Sponsors: Idle No More SF Bay, Youth Versus Apocalypse, Climate Justice Street Mural Project, Butte County 350, 350 Bay Area, 1000 Grandmothers Bay Area, NDN Collective, CA Poor Peoples Campaign-Bay Area, and many others.
DEMANDS from the Fossil Free Future website:

Youth demand that CEOs and Boards of U.S. Financial Institutions commit to the following:

1A Immediately end financial support for fossil fuel expansion. Publicly end all financial services for any corporation or project that is engaged in expanding the extraction, production, or transportation of fossil fuels. 1, 2
2A Phase out and prohibit financial support for all fossil fuels. Publicly commit to a rapid phase-out of financial services for all fossil fuel corporations3 on an explicit timeline aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. Adopt a permanent “No Fossil Fuel” policy that prohibits any future financial services for fossil fuel corporations.
3APhase out and prohibit financial support for deforestation. Publicly commit to a rapid phase-out of financial services for any corporation that has not committed to zero deforestation, and do so on an explicit timeline aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. Adopt a permanent “No Deforestation” policy that prohibits any future financial services for any corporation that has not committed to zero deforestation.
4A Uphold indigenous rights and sovereignty. Adopt a permanent policy that prohibits f inancial services for any project or entity that does not respect Indigenous treaty rights and does not obtain “Free, Prior, and Informed Consent” of the tribal communities concerned (as articulated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples)4
5A Take accountability for compliance. Create a permanent independent third-party mechanism to audit and verify the implementation of these policies.

Youth demand that State/Federal government officials commit to the following:

1A Require financial institutions to end financial support for corporations driving the climate crisis. Mandate financial institutions to end financial services for fossil fuel corporations, corporations causing deforestation, and corporations that dishonor Indigenous treaty rights and sovereignty, on an explicit timeline aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5 °C.
2A Investigate Wall Street for their climate liability. Call for a federal or state-led investigation of Wall Street institutions for their climate liability in financially enabling the harmful activities of the fossil fuel industry.

Youth demand that Local/State/Federal government officials commit to the following:

1A Legalize public banking. Introduce and endorse legislation to enable the creation of local and state public banks (such as the Public Banking Act introduced by Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez).
2A Invest in local communities and advance a sustainable economy. Call for a federal or state-led investigation of Wall Street institutions for their climate liability in financially enabling the harmful activities of the fossil fuel industry.

Friday October 22:

March for Stolen Lives and Stolen Futures in Sacramento

Busloads of students from the Bay Area, Sacramento, and Davis will be starting their demonstration at the steps of the California Teachers Retirement Fund (CalSTRS) building in Sacramento to demand the teacher pension fund divest from oil. Next, the group will march from the CalSTRS building to the Capitol with demands for the Governor. Marchers to meet at 11:00am at 100 Waterfront Place, West Sacramento. For Covid safety, please mask up. Easy parking ($6 per car for 2 hours). Rain or shine. Check out these many ways to act and show solidarity with this youth strike. Send letters of solidarity, make calls, send emails.

From the website: With the United Nations’ COP26 climate talks fast approaching, now is the time to call for climate justice and real climate leadership from all levels. We demand that:

  • Governor Newsom must STOP new fossil fuel permits, DROP existing oil drilling, and ROLL out 2,500 ft. health and safety buffers.
  • The California Democratic Party must vote no to accepting money from fossil fuel companies and law enforcement.
  • CalSTRS, the teachers’ pension fund, must divest $6 billion from fossil fuel companies.
  • Congress and Biden must stop approving fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency.

In honor of the stolen lives of Black, Indigenous, people of color to police violence and environmental racism, and the stolen futures of the youth and unborn from the climate crisis, now is the time to call for climate justice and real climate leadership from all levels.

Speakers from the Sunrise Movement, Anti Police Terror Project-Sacramento, Fridays for Future-Sacramento, Mental Health First, and CA Youth vs Big Oil will share at the Capitol. Co-sponsors include: Sacramento Area Black Caucus, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People of CA, Fridays for Future Sacramento, 350 Sacramento, Sacramento Poor People’s Campaign, CA Democratic Progressive Caucus, Sacramento Climate Coalition, California Youth vs. Big Oil, Sunrise Movement, Youth vs. Apocalypse, Fossil Free California, Last Chance Alliance, Oil & Gas Action Network, Earth Guardians Bay Area, Extinction Rebellion SF, Extinction Rebellion Sacramentos, Latino Information & Resource Center, Indivisible Yolo, Indivisible Ross Valley, 350 Contra Costa, The Climate Center, Interfaith Climate Action Network of Contra Costa County, 2020 Coalition Sacramento, CA Green New Deal Coalition and the Center for Biological Diversity.