Green Gardening workshops

The city is offering free virtual Green Gardening classes on Wednesdays during October and November! Join from the comfort of your own home or office via Zoom! To register and see details on these classes, please visit, and click on the link for Green Gardening Workshops. You can also contact the Public Works Utilities and Operations Department at 530-757-5686 or e-mail for details and to register.

All classes will be held from noon to 1pm via Zoom. Class dates and topics:

* Oct. 20: Backyard Composting
* Oct. 27: Sustainable Landscaping
* Nov. 3: Tree Selection, Watering and Care
* Nov. 17: Leak Detection and the City’s Customer Water Use Portal, AquaHawk

Fall planting and irrigation

October and November are the best months of the year to plant. In the fall, the soil is moist and cooler temperatures put less stress on new plants. As you plan your landscape, consider going beyond water-wise landscaping and work to create a sustainable landscape that is more environmentally-friendly, reduces water run-off, improves wildlife habitat and fosters healthy soils. For more information on sustainable landscaping and water-use efficiency, please visit and click on the link for Green Gardening.

Don’t forget that landscape water needs decrease in the fall and irrigation can be reduced by shortening each watering cycle or eliminating a watering day or two each week. If it rains, turn your irrigation system off for at least 48 hours after a rain event. You might even consider turning off your irrigation system for the winter.

— Rhys Rowland is a city of Davis Environmental Programs Specialist; this column is published monthly. Reach him at Visit for more information.