Two sets of City of Davis Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Update workshops are now scheduled—the first in the second week of July, and the second in the fourth week. Dates and times are varied so community members and stakeholders can select which time works best for them.

These workshops will begin to focus on substantive CAAP implementation actions and priorities to consider for creating the roadmap to community carbon neutrality by 2040. The topics for the first July workshops are Mobility and Public Spaces. This will focus on a wide range of transportation issues—cars and miles traveled, electric vehicles, and other means of transport like biking, walking and rolling; and public space issues—streets and sidewalks, trees and the urban forest, and parks and open spaces.

The second set of July workshops will explore the topics of Building and Energy, including issues such as energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, electrification, reducing natural gas use, green infrastructure, water and waste, conservation, recycling, and composting.

Pre-registration is available for the workshop, but is not required, at the link below, which then enters you into the raffle for a prize at each workshop!

Bring your best ideas to these workshops. Help Davis take climate action!

Mobility & Public Spaces (Two Dates – Same Workshop)

July 14 at 5 p.m.
Pre-register here to be entered in raffle

July 16 at 10 a.m.
Pre-register here to be entered in raffle

Buildings, Waste and Water (Two Dates – Same Workshop)

July 28 at 5 p.m.
Pre-register here to be entered in raffle

July 30 at 10 a.m.
Pre-register here to be entered in raffle

More information about the workshops and the CAAP process is available on the CAAP webpage: 2020 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) | City of Davis, CA. Those who pre-register will be entered into a raffle.

The previously completed introductory workshops on April 22 and May 27 and the first online survey provided valuable information about topics important to the Davis community, and identified some priorities related to greenhouse gas reduction, co-benefits and addressing climate risk. The City CAAP team was also able to identify gaps in our outreach and responses.

The City CAAP Team thanks the community for their ongoing help with this important project.




Raffle prize for pre-registrants includes Davis Farmer’s Market goodies. Courtesy photo.