From now until April 30, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments will be hosting a survey for the Sacramento Region Parks & Trails Strategic Development Plan, in partnership with our six counties of El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba counties, and their cities within.

The plan looks to identify a vision for a regional trails network that allows people to travel in more ways than just in a car and identify missing trails and access points to trails to better connect residents with jobs, recreation, and other points of interest, with a particular focus on disadvantaged communities that often lack green space and access to quality infrastructure.

SACOG is working with our cities, counties, and community stakeholders to develop a visionary plan that could link every community and major parks with a network of trails and increase access to job sites, community amenities, and public spaces supporting recreational/social activities.

To develop a plan that reflects residents’ needs and values, with special attention to historically underserved communities, we are hosting a survey to receive input. Once the survey is complete respondents can enter a raffle to win one of ten $50 gift cards to Safeway!

Key points about the survey

  • The online survey uses Maptionnaire, an easy-to-use map-based survey tool where people drop pins on places they would like to get to (or already get to) by active ways of travel (walking, wheeling, biking, etc.).
  • The information that we gain from this survey will be combined with information we received from our committees and local city and county plans.
  • This long-term plan needs input from the community to help us find the places people want to access.
  • We need to start incorporating the voice of as many residents, especially our BIPOC and low-income communities, as possible now so the results of this plan are inclusive and can meet the needs of the community in the future.
  • This survey is asking people where they want to go and why to help us understand what destinations people value that could be better connected with trails.
  • Survey respondents will have the opportunity to enter a raffle for a chance to win one (1) of ten (10) $50 gift cards to Safeway


The survey will be open from March 15 to April 30.

Online Links

Link to Maptionnaire Survey:

Link to SACOG page:

Get Connected! Tell us how you walk, bike, and roll in the Sacramento region!

SACOG is operating remotely, and our staff are restricted from in-person meetings. All staff are available via email, phone, and meetings via teleconference. If you have an upcoming meeting scheduled, please be on the lookout for a new teleconference or call-in option. We appreciate your flexibility during this time. Upcoming board and committee meetings will be modified and information on the format will be provided to those signed up for electronic notifications.