Despite the challenges of shelter in place, two young ladies have been steadily adding to the knowledge base and improvement of social media tools management here at Cool Davis. We meet on Zoom and communicate via email and phone rather than in person. Despite the lack of in person meetings, we have been making steady progress. Our Communications Manager, Leslie Crenna, is grateful for their contributions. Read on to find out more about Mary and Sophie.

Mary Westover

Mary Westover is a 21-year-old senior at UC Davis majoring in pharmaceutical chemistry and minoring in professional writing at UC Davis. She plans to pursue science journalism to keep people informed about scientific discoveries and the environment. Cool Davis’s focus on community drew Mary to the organization, and she has remained interested in the small things that everyone can do to improve their communities.

Mary wanted the opportunity to be able to reach people and be able to spread Cool Davis’s message, which she does through social media and articles. Mary also contributes to an ongoing effort to further staff knowledge and best practices.

Mary was born and raised in Sacramento and has lived in Davis for two years. In her free time, Mary enjoys hula hooping and bike riding.

Mary will graduate officially at the end of this Summer Session. Cool Davis wishes her well in her newest chapter of life. Keep in touch!

Cool Davis intern Mary Westover. Courtesy photo.


Sophie Duhameau

Sophie Duhameau is an incoming senior at Davis Senior High School and Cool Davis’s social media intern. She was born in New Jersey, grew up in Napa and moved to Davis four years ago. She loves Davis because the people are nice and care about the environment. Sophie is currently applying to colleges and eventually wants to go into environmental law.

At Cool Davis, Sophie monitors and posts to Cool Davis’s social media pages and contributes to an ongoing effort to further staff knowledge and best practices. Sophie is passionate about environmental issues and wants to engage with and improve her community. At her high school, Sophie started the Environmental Acton Club, which worked educate students on climate issues and solutions, and participated in climate protests. Sophie hopes that by volunteering at Cool Davis she will gain more knowledge on how to reach and inspire people.

Sophie is also a rising video star! Check out Sophie’s YouTube channel with a lovely rendition of Hallelujah and several others. Sophie plans to continue with Cool Davis through her senior year at Davis High School. We’re super excited!