We’re learning more every day about the courage we need to live the future we want. We must stand strong now and following the pandemic, and take what we learn from this crisis to create a more sustainable future.

Cool Davis is here to contribute to the new dynamics and to plan for a recovery that supports community members as well as the climate!

We are also celebrating our many donors, friends, and founders in a special way on Thursday, May 7th, during Big Day of Giving.  Come join us online to chat about electric vehicles, home energy, climate action, and Cool Davis past and future. Share some “cool” living stories from your shelter with our presenters.

Below is the schedule of Zoom-a-thon activities all day on May 7th

8 – 9am Coffee and Conversation with the Cool Davis Board of Directors COMPLETED

(by invitation)

10 – 11:30am Cool Davis Clips (open to all) COMPLETED

Register now: https://cooldavis.zoom.us/j/97930153898?pwd=d1Z5QTlSYnJ2eExmZ2d5U0x1U2JEdz09

Password: 197156

12 – 1:30pm The Interfaith Coalition for Climate Justice monthly meeting COMPLETED

Email interfaith@cooldavis.org for information

1:30 – 2:30pm Home Energy Hour: #LiveCoolDavis (open to all) COMPLETED

Join Chrissy Backman, Energy Field Coordinator for Cool Davis, as she discusses ways to save on home energy. Tips and tricks to keep your energy use and your energy bill in check during SIP. Chrissy will present and answer questions on cool topics like: changing your heating and cooling system filter; line-drying your clothes; LED lighting; CFL and HHW (household hazardous waste) disposal at the Yolo County Landfill; and construction permitting updates.

Register now: https://cooldavis.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pVPk2am5ReiRgsCxN75oYA

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

3:30 – 5:30pm Cool Davis Clips (open to all) COMPLETED

Register now: https://cooldavis.zoom.us/j/91324204382?pwd=MThCMVdadWU3ZkpMM3NreFhmMFErUT09

Password: 017175

6:00 – 7:00pm Davis Electric Vehicle Association (open to all) COMPLETED

Have you been eyeing the never ending list of new electric vehicles hitting the market? Join UC Davis Institute for Transportation Studies researcher Katrina Sutton for an overview of the latest and greatest EVs to keep an extra sharp eye on! Both Katrina and Sandra Hall, both Davis Electric Vehicle Association (DEVA) board members, will share the in’s and out’s of EV-ownership.

If you’re EV-curious, we would love to answer your questions about life with an electric vehicle. No need to be an EV expert!

Register now: https://cooldavis.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C9ovAfb4RvaBpnObZRtv8w

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

9:30pm – 12:00am midnight  Cool Davis Clips (open to all) CANCELLED DUE TO TECH DIFFICULTIES

Register now: https://cooldavis.zoom.us/j/91573313304?pwd=djF1VExueUtCZGNnRFVzWTF0MjQ4UT09

Password: 648496


Thursday May 7 is Big Day of Giving, a regionwide effort to support the non-profits that keep our communities strong.

Please give to Cool Davis ANY TIME but especially now and through the end of the day Thursday, May 7th. We are grateful for your generosity! Your gifts will be posted to the matching fund on Thursday!

Your donation helps us reach this year’s goal of $25,000!

Please help us continue our vital programs!


Our matching fund is at $10,000!

Thanks to our very cool matching fund donors — Larry Greene, Michael McCormick, John Mott-Smith, Lynne Nittler, Chris Soderquist, Johannes Troost, John Johnston, and others.

Already gave? Ask one other person to give, too!

Please consider our partner organizations in your plans as well. Many, like the Yolo Food Bank, are providing direct service helping frontline workers, families in need, and businesses in crisis. Other local giving opportunties include the Yolo COVID-19 Relief Initiative, the Downtown Davis Gift Stimulus Program, and other regional organizations on the Big Day of Giving website.

We can find courage together!

Thank you for all your efforts and support in the last 10 years to transform our community. Cool Davis stands ready to work with you for the next 10 and beyond. We can flatten this climate curve, together!

Our clear skies are clear evidence! Our individual actions and staying at home are making a difference!

Cool Davis continues to assist residents in making thoughtful, sustainable, and cost-effective decisions for their homes and lives. We are providing information and advice on managing home energy, reducing waste, and switching to cleaner transportation when the pandemic recedes.

You and Cool Davis have been bending the climate curve together for 10 years. In this anniversary year, we’re taking our work to the next level for the next 10 but we’ll need your support to make it happen.