The Valley Clean Energy board of directors a pair of decisions in June to fulfill two promises to its customers. The board voted unanimously to begin including Net Energy Metered solar customers in VCE service starting in January 2020, and additionally voted to launch a Dividend Program this fall, designed to share revenues with customers when VCE meets its financial goals. Valley Clean Energy is a nonprofit public agency that provides electricity service to customers in Davis, Woodland and the unincorporated areas of Yolo County.

Net energy metering

Existing PG&E solar NEM customers — those whose solar panels were installed prior to VCE’s launch in June 2018 — have not been enrolled in VCE service so far. Beginning in January and continuing through December 2020, PG&E NEM customers will be automatically enrolled in VCE service during their existing PG&E true-up month.

VCE will offer information and details about the program and answer questions at two public meetings in October; mailers will be sent to NEM customers announcing dates and times. They’ll also receive two notices prior to enrolling with VCE and two notices afterwards, to ensure that everyone is aware of the transition. NEM customers can also opt out of VCE service.

Details about VCE’s new NEM policy are available at

Dividend program

The VCE Dividend Program is designed to reward customers for their loyalty and support, and to share the program’s positive financial performance with its customers. It is also one of the ways VCE gives back to the community.

Based on fiscal year revenues, a dividend will be credited to residential customers once per year (on their October bill), and to nonresidential customers twice per year (on their October and April bills) once specific financial targets are met.

The VCE board will determine the percentage of cash reserves to be allocated to dividends, ensuring both optimal program health and customer benefit.

The new NEM policy and the dividend program help VCE meet its short- and long-term goals of financial stability, cost-competitive clean electricity, customized local programs, a cleaner environment and investment in our communities.

For more information, visit

Crossposted from the Davis Enterprise

Originally published online on July 24, 2019