Davis United Methodist Church is offering three forums in April on the theme of environmental stewardship. These presentations will be on Sunday mornings April 7, 14, and 28 from 9:45 to 10:50 at the church, 1620 Anderson Road in Davis.

April 7: Cool Climate Diet, with Anya McCann. Anya founded COOL Cuisine in 2013 in Davis with the goal to encourage local restaurants to offer more plant-based, planet-friendly dishes on their menus.

Anya will discuss the strong impact personal dietary choices can have on climate change and will review the successes of the recent Burger Battle, a competition among local restaurants to make the best-tasting vegan burger, as a way to promote good choices. She will share ways to transition your home cooking and dining out to be more environmentally sustainable — and FUN.

April 14: Local dimensions of sustainability and resilience, with Lorenzo Kristov. Kristov has worked professionally on electrical system policy for more than 25 years.

After 19 years at the California Independent System Operator, he is now an independent consultant developing strategies and policies to promote resilient community-level electric power systems that align local needs and priorities with California’s major environmental and energy goals.

April 28: The Politics of Habitat Conservation Planning in Yolo County, with Petrea Marchand. Marchand is Executive Director of the Yolo Habitat Conservancy and President of Consero Solutions, a local public policy consulting firm.

Petrea will discuss the 25-year history of efforts to develop the Yolo Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan, the complications, delay and near abandonment of the plan, and its ultimately successful completion in 2018. She will emphasize the importance of a combination of influential citizens, dedicated elected officials, financial oversight, and strong staff in making a difference in local habitat conservation efforts.

For information, visit www.davisumc.org or contact the church office at davisumc@davisumc.org or 530-756-2170.

Crossposted from the Davis Enterprise
