Everyone is invited to the upcoming Sixth Annual Interfaith Climate Conference organized by the Yolo Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice.


from 1 – 5pm

Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis

Watch this space for news and registration in the coming weeks.

The theme for this year’s conference is

“Deepening our Roots:  Growing Resilient Forests.”

Speakers at the conference include

1. Dr. E. Gregory McPherson, Research Urban Forester

Creating Healthy Urban Forests for Our Children’s Children

2. Daniel Barad, Sierra Club California Campaign Organizer

Safeguarding Our Sierra Nevada Mountain Forests

3. Ways to Deepen our Roots and Grow Resilient Forests

Activities include walking a labyrinth under the pines, tree planting with a master gardener, Song Hatching, dance expression, speaking as a tree, making posters for Arbor Day, active discussions with tree experts, Julia Butterfly Hills: “Surviving the Storm”, readings from The Lorax and other children’s literature, letter writing to legislators and others, and more. Meet with representatives from Tree Davis, the Woodland Tree Foundation, and speaker McPherson, as well as members of the Sierra Club and Daniel Barad.


Interfaith Conference 2017
Davis Community Church pastor Chris Neufeld checks with volunteers helping to register participants for the 2017 Interfaith Climate Conference. Photo credit Johan Verink.


Arbor Day in Davis is March 17, 2018. Check out the City of Davis website for more information about local activities.

Visit the Yolo Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice web page on the Cool Davis website for more information about the Alliance and past conferences.

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