Car Free Davis: Brush Up on Bike Safety Skills
Crossposted from the Davis Enterprise
From page A7 | March 22, 2017
Spring is the perfect time of year to refresh your bike skills and learn the rules of the road. The city of Davis has several bike safety education options to get yourself ready to ride. All you need to do is sign up!
Elementary School Bike Rodeos
* Programs for elementary and middle school students: Returning in April, the City’s Street Smarts program and Bike Davis will host bike rodeos at Davis elementary schools. Bike rodeos are fun and interactive bike education programs. Each week the bike education team will be at a different school.
Bike rodeos take place after school on the school blacktop. Students will have an opportunity to have their bikes’ mechanical operation checked and to learn their hand signals, stopping at stop signs, how to safely merge and change lanes, proper helmet fitting and bike laws. Students can watch for more information in their school’s newsletter.
All students must have a signed permission slip, bicycle, and helmet to participate.
Want to help teach bike safety education?
The City is always looking for volunteers to assist at the after-school bike rodeos. If interested, contact Lorretta Moore, Safe Routes to School coordinator, at
“This Is How We Roll” School Assemblies
* Street Smarts, the Safe Routes to School program for the City of Davis, also will offer schools a free assembly program presented by Shows That Teach. “This is How We Roll” is an interactive indoor multimedia show that uses live storytelling and demonstrations mixed with short YouTube/SnapChat-style videos projected on a screen that will engage elementary and junior high students.
The goal of the program is to motivate kids to walk and cycle safely to school and beyond. “This Is How We Roll” covers the benefits of walking and cycling (fun, health and environmental); the importance of paying attention while walking or cycling; cycling safety (wearing a helmet and more); path/street safety and etiquette (hand signals, looking left, right, left and passing on the left); and being visible to drivers and other path users.
Biking with Confidence
* Programs for people ages 12 and older: Adults and everyone 12 years old and up we have something for you, too! The City’s Bike and Pedestrian Program offers a three-hour course titled “Biking with Confidence.” Participants learn how to ride a bike in traffic, where to ride a bike next to parked cars, how to safely merge and change lanes, how to make left turns and right turns, how to ride a bike downtown, pathway etiquette, helmet fitting, bike light and reflector laws, bike maintenance, power pedal position, and more.
The course is divided into three modules — one hour in the classroom, one hour of off-road bike skills and one hour of riding on pathways and in traffic. All participants need a good working bicycle and helmet. Sign up through the City of Davis Parks and Community Services Department. Select “Activity Search” and enter the keywords “Biking with Confidence” as a keyword search to the find the classes.
The fee is $19 and the course is offered once a month at the Davis Senior Center. Registration is required.
The next two classes are
Saturday, April 8, from 9 a.m. to noon, and (#950500-04)
Saturday, May 6, from 9 a.m. to noon, and (#950500-05)
Bike Safety Course at UC Davis in April
The City’s Bike and Pedestrian Program also will offer a four-week bike safety course at UC Davis starting in April. The one-hour weekly bike education classes are hosted by the staff and faculty health and well-being program. Keep an eye out for sign ups!
For More Information
Learn more about the City’s Bike and Pedestrian Program
Learn more about the basics at Getting Around Davis, your one-stop portal for changes coming to downtown Davis parking and other travel options.
— Jennifer Donofrio is the city of Davis bike and pedestrian coordinator; her column is published monthly. Send questions or comments to her at
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For other down neighborhoods - remember to check on your neighbors! If your power is still on consider ways to reduce your energy use pre-cool , cover windows, delay appliance use, double up with neighbors in a cool location - cooling center (see City post for cooling center info), movie theater etc to reduce loads. After the emergency, move forward on your plans for how you will reduce and manage energy use in the future. We have to stand together to adapt to new climate challenges. Cool Davis and our many partners are here to help.
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