Nov. 29 Climate Vigil: Think Global, Act Local
Dear friends,
What a beautiful evening! Thank you all for bringing your gifts and coming together to launch the Paris Climate Talks in such a grounded way at our Interfaith Prayer Vigil at the Lutheran Church of the Incarnation. How grateful I am for your rich contributions acknowledged here. The Order of Service 11-29-15 hints at the wonders of our time together. I’m so moved by how much each of you offered and how it all came together as our expression of love, concern, and commitment.
Pastor Dan Smith of Lutheran Church of the Incarnation took on the challenge of creating a prayer vigil on short notice and put all the proposed elements together into a worship with enough space and time for reflection ..and quiet …and silence so we might leave filled up with hope and determination. He offered us such a beautiful space, too.
Chris Granger, Volunteer full-time Executive Director of Cool Davis, brought us to the immediacy of action in our daily lives, even if it seems like small actions against a flood or wildfire. Seeing all our shoes lined up together in solidarity with those lining the streets in Paris – including the shoes of Pope Francis – where the marchers were not allowed to walk after all, bound us together in our commitment to change ourselves and nudge others as well. The revolution begins in each of us, as Thich Nhat Hahn writes in his poem.
Laura Sandage, music director at UUCD, with her heavenly voice led us into the magic of singing together as “Keepers of the Earth” where every river, mountain and forest makes us whole with their riches and beauty. For the sake of our children’s children, we are called as keepers of the earth! And now we have made a solemn promise together to care for our one home.
Robb Davis, city councilman, in his ever-thoughtful manner, reminded us that while we must think globally this week and will our leaders to act wisely to secure a binding carbon emissions agreement as well as to commit to ways to help the poorest and most disrupted countries cope with the impact of climate change, our most effective actions are local. We love Davis; what can we do here to lessen climate change?
Our various talented musicians comingled their talents, helping us to Touch the Earth Lightly, with blissful results.
Rev. Laura Thompson, intern minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, read words describing the earth herself that melted our hearts till only our aching love for her remained. Laura reminded us of our primary motivation: we devote ourselves to climate change work because we love the earth.
Carol Warren, a member of Yolo Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice and Yolo Move-on, offered to compose a Carol Warren’s prayer when we first began to plan this interfaith vigil. She carried us into our own complicity in the problem, recognizing our responsibilities to change, and then constructed another vision for us all. Such powerful words!
Laura Sandage eased us into silent contemplation with more beautiful singing.
Kim Stanley Robinson, noted science-fiction writer, with his piercing vision, projected us into a future beyond capitalism as part of his scenario for a life for his great-great-grandchildren after they convert from fossil-fuels to renewables and solve the population dilemma by offering all women education and strong legal rights. Read Kim Stanley Robinson’s letter to the future and also more Letters to the Future from others.
Jo Ann Anderson from Lutheran Church of the Incarnation led Tree By Tree By Tree, a song of the Green World Charter (whose mission is to plant trees) introduced at the Parliament of World’s Religions in October, 2015. She also prepared the songs for the program and gathered musicians.
Reverend Tim Leighton of CA House met with Pastor Dan to plan the Order of Service and offered a thoughtful benediction to close the evening time together.
Karen Hamilton and Jo Ann Anderson of Lutheran of the Incarnation, Carol Warren of St. James Catholic Church, and Peggy Froelich of Davis Community Church, all members of Yolo Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice, took the initial idea Lynne Nittler emailed out to the Alliance members and a handful of clergy and gathered resources to get us started. This evening was the final result of our efforts together!
I recommend visiting our Cool Davis news blog Helpful Resources for the Paris Climate Talks. I posted a number of short videos songs and spoken word pieces on climate change that are terrific. I especially suggest watching the two by Prince Ea! Also, notice the ongoing blog by Interfaith Power and Light at the Climate Talks!
Cool Davis will be posting links to interesting articles about the Paris talks, to check into our blog every few days. Keep in touch. Cool Davis is part of the act local idea that Robb Davis mentioned. We can help you with your own carbon footprint, or we can help you to help others along that path.
Happy Climate Talks!
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