For our 45th Earth Day Celebration, Rapper Prince EA wrote a letter for the future to startle us into action in the present. Set in the stark Amazon desert where once a dense canopy of trees teemed with life, he spoke apologetically of extinctions and the damage to the planet caused by our worship of corporate greed. We are willing to cut down our trees for money.  He reminds us that the native Americans were careful to leave the earth in good shape for the next 7 generations, while we cannot even take care for tomorrow.  But…

The visual impact is palpable. But Prince EA stops cold part way through his lament, reminding us that we still have a choice, that all is not yet lost, that we can stop deforestation. The choice is ours: stay on our present course blind to the destruction we are causing, or… get to work! What path will you choose?

Watch Prince EA’s video here.Â