The City of Davis is inviting everyone interested to attend a community meeting to review the Draft Recommendations from the Davis Safe Routes to School Walk & Bike Audit Project. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 11th, from 6:00-7:30 PM in the Davis Senior Center on 646 A Street.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can also share your thoughts through the website:

In Spring 2013, community members, school district and city staff reviewed school-related transportation issues at 11 local elementary and middle schools by conducting walk and bike audits, and hosting community and school meetings. The draft report includes recommended improvements based on these audits and meetings.

This project is an important opportunity to identify ways to improve walking and biking access to schools for students and their families and we want your input!

About Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is an international movement to create safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for children to bicycle and walk to school.  In 1969, nearly 50% of students walked or biked to school. Today, that number has dropped to 13%. While more children in Davis use active forms of transportation than the national average, the rates of childhood obesity and inactivity are overwhelming. Parents consistently site traffic hazards as the largest barrier to biking or walking. These are environmental issues that can be addressed given the right tools.

Safe Routes to School programs are built on collaborative partnerships that include educators, parents, students, elected officials, engineers, city planners, business and community leaders, health officials, and bicycle and pedestrian advocates.

This project is funded through a Caltrans SRTS (Safe Routes to School) grant which provides funding to increase numbers of children in grades K-8 who can safely walk and bike to school.