Peter Seeger
Tour 12 environmental songs from 1940 to the present including Woodie Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Joni Mitchell, John Denver, Adrienne Young and more.

Don’t miss a wonderful evening of music, desserts, wine/iced tea and a talk by environmental writer, editor & musician Lorraine Anderson from 7:15-9:30pm on Saturday September 15 at the Village Homes  Community Center, 2661 E. Portage Bay, Davis. The event includes an optional walking tour that starts at 6:15pm to showcase the neighborhood that continues to be a model for sustainable communities worldwide.

Pre-register at

From Woodie Guthrie through Pete Seeger, from Joni Mitchell to Michael Jackson and Adrienne Young, modern songwriters have lamented and celebrated aspects of our relationship to the earth. Their songs have deeply penetrated our hearts, reminded us of our destructiveness, inspired us to take better care of our sacred earth, and urged us to take a stand.

Tour a dozen favorite environmental songs from 1940 to the present. Watch video performances, study lyrics, hear about the historical and personal context of each song, and nominate your own favorite environmental songs. The evening culminates with live performances by local musicians featuring George Haver with Jamie Knapp and Rick Palkovic of Tree-O performing Haver’s original song about a pressing environmental issue, “How Big is Our Print?”

Evening Program for Saturday, September 15

6:15       Walking tour of Village Homes (optional)
7:15       Desserts and iced tea; no-host wine bar
7:35      Welcome and Introduction
7:45       Lorraine’s Tour of Environmental Music
9:00      Break
9:10       Songs by local performers and a sing-along

Suggested donation to Cool Davis: $10-20 per person

Village Homes Community Center, 2661 E. Portage Bay, Davis

Lorraine Anderson – former resident of Village Homes in Davis – is a writer, editor, and musician.

Lorraine Anderson lived in Davis in Village Homes until 2005. She now lives in Corvallis, Oregon, where she prepared “Songs to Move the Earth” for a workshop at Oregon State University.


Delicious desserts with iced tea or a glass of wine from the no-host wine table will start the evening on a sweet note at 7:15 before the musical delights begin.

Optional tour of Village Homes

For those who wish, Village Homes is offering an hour tour of the planned, environmentally-conscious community, including a visit to a passive solar home, a walk through the swales and common areas noting features such as the edible landscaping and natural drainage, and a chance for questions and answers with resident guides. Visitors who wish to attend the walking tour need to pre-register and arrive at 6:15.

Fundraising for Nature’s Theater

The event is sponsored by Cool Davis  and donations will support the presentation of the Nature’s Theater production of “The Search for King Carbon” at the Cool Davis Festival on October 13 and in the schools.