These are tips from Low Impact Week, which was held in February 2011 but can be done anytime!

On a per capita basis, Americans generate more waste than the rest of the world, about 4.6 pounds per person per day, partly because of wasteful and unnecessary packaging and partly because of excessive consumption.

You may have heard horror stories of barges laden with garbage in the ocean or overflowing landfills.  Fortunately, repairing, reusing, and recycling can cut down on waste significantly, but better yet, you can avoid buying throwaway items in the first place.

Today, we invite you to generate less throwaway trash by trying one or more of these ideas:

  • Use cloth bags (not plastic or paper) to bring home groceries or other purchases.
  • Give up bottled water; tap water has a lower carbon footprint, and will save you money.
  • Carry your own cup or thermos to use throughout the day; avoid disposable cups.
  • Recycle any and all plastic, paper, and metal you use today.

Do you have a good idea to share with your neighbors? Add your comment below this blog!