Chat with the Chief of Yolo County OES: Yolo Earth Day Pledge Share 12-13-23

 Registration is closed for this event

Join us for an hour long presentation and discussion Wednesday, December 13, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm online via Zoom with Kristin Weivoda, Chief of Emergency Serices for the Yolo County Office of Emergency Services, on proactive measures to safeguard your home and family during extreme weather events.

This is a FREE event open to all Yolo County residents!

This presentation will ensure you stay one step ahead in preparing for extreme weather events that may impact our area. Ms. Weivoda will discuss the specific risk of extreme weather events that may impact Yolo County, what items you should have in your emergency kit, and what you can do to protect your property. Learn how to stay informed and connected while events are in progress. This will be a comprehensive and interactive approach to home and family preparedness. Be prepared! Take action and join us in this presentation and discussion!

A Zoom link will be delivered in your email confirmation and reminders.

This event is hosted by Cool Davis in support of the Yolo Earth Day Pledge and pledgers who chose the "Make a household emergency plan and kit" action in the Resilience category. The pledge is designed to encourage community members, both individuals and households, to complete at least six specific greenhouse gas reducing or resilience building actions. Cool Davis identifies high impact actions and ways to achieve them; you get busy building new habits, sharing your story, and learning from friends, family, and neighbors.


December 13th, 2023
Support the work of Cool Davis
Help cover the costs of this event (promotion and tech support). Enter "1" to indicate your selection. $20.00
Support the work of the Cool Davis Coalition. Enter "1" to indicate your selection. $50.00
Any amount you choose to support the Coalition, we appreciate your generosity!