Today and yesterday, California again took precedent-setting steps that have implications around the world and for the upcoming international negotiations on climate change in Paris in December.  Governor Brown signed into law two major bills addressing climate change,  SB 350 and SB 185.

A BIG shout-out of THANKS to all who took time to write letters, attend hearings, and call legislators.  While these actions are always helpful, they were especially so with getting SB 185 through the Assembly.
SB 350 continues, accelerates and widens the work California is undertaking to minimize heat-trapping emissions.  It requires by 2030 that 1) 50 % of electricity used in CA be generated by renewable resources, and 2) that energy efficiency in buildings and appliances and other processes be increased by 50%.  SB 350 also requires significant electrification of vehicles in California also by 2030.  This is a big lift, but we are ready to go.  Setting up implementation of SB 350 is already happening through the CA Air Resources Board’s 2030 Scoping Plan.  You can follow that process here:
SB 185 requires CalSTRS and PERS to engage with specified coal mining companies.  If by a specified date those companies have not changed their business plans away from coal, then the publicly-funded taxpayer retirement funds must DIVEST!  The coalition 350 Sacramento participates in, Fossil Free California, is now looking to divest the rest and invest in our future.  You can learn a bit more about divesting the rest here:
Again, thank-you for all you have done to move climate action into the mainstream.  Come to the Sacramento Climate Town Hall November 14th and be a part of creating our climate-healthy, community supportive future.
In Celebration,
Martha Turner
member of 350 Sacramento and Fossil Free CA